8 Innocent Signs That Show You’re a Narcissist & Love Yourself Too Much

Disclaimer: If you're someone who gets offended easily, you might not want to read this. ;) Are you, or your friends, a 自恋狂? It's not...

5 Facts About the First Game Boy, The Grandparent of Smartphone Gaming

When it comes to portable handheld gaming, no other portable handheld gaming device can top the Nintendo’s Game boy in terms of popularity and...

Cotton On & H&M Both Charging $0.10 for Plastic or Paper Bag

The world's going green, and we're powerless to stop it. Straw-free movements. Vegan meat that tastes just like real meat. And now? Bring your own reusable bag to...

Everything About the $12 Million Hong Bao Toto Draw 2020 That’s Happening on 7...

It’s that time of the year again, when everyone’s discussing about what they’d like to do with the windfall that they’re guaranteed to win...

Your HDB Flat Has A Bomb Shelter & It Has Power Sockets & TV...

There's a bomb shelter in your own HDB flat. And if you're wondering where it is, it's probably your storeroom. Or your helper's room. Or your guest room. How...

10 Most Happening Places in S’pore & M’sia To Be at This Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by the Chinese community all around the world on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar. The...

5 Key Differences Between Serving NS in the SAF & in the SPF

Curious on the differences between serving in SAF and the SPF? Well, with an office that has both SAF and SPF NSmen, we've come...

11 ‘High-tech’ Devices in 2008 That Deserve a Spot in the Museum in 2018

10 years have officially passed since the year 2008, and really, 2018 looks pretty good. We’ve got the iPhone X, an almost cashless payment system...

10 Facts About Wisdom Teeth & Whether They Should Be Extracted Or Not

Anyone who has been through NS would see wisdom tooth as the licence for a two-week MC: it’s not uncommon to walk into the...

9 Foods That Harm Your Teeth You Probably Didn’t Know About

Everyone strives to have a healthy smile. We work hard to maintain a beautiful set of teeth by visiting the dentist regularly, brushing and...