You’ve Been Misled: Beer Belly Isn’t Caused By Beer


If there’s one thing that puts anyone off, it’s having a beer belly for a stomach.

The thing is, though, is your beer belly actually caused by the beer you’ve been downing every weekend? Or is it just another myth?

Here’s the low-down we found on about why everything we’ve been told about beer and beer bellies are so, so wrong.

How Do You Get a Beer Belly?

Here’s the truth: a beer belly isn’t actually caused by the beer itself, but more because of the fact that you’re taking in way too many calories than your body can process.

Thanks to that, the most probable point to see the “fruits” of your consumption is your stomach. And so your tummy starts getting soft, then flabby, and then hey, you’re suddenly a cuddly teddy bear.

One of the reasons why beer is associated with a large belly isn’t just the calories in the beer – when one consumes beer, he’ll most likely to down countless snacks as well. After all, we’re told never to drink on an empty stomach.

Add the calories together and you’re on a calories marathon during each drinking session.

And here’s a fun fact: as guys have less fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat) to deal with, chances of their body storing the extra ounces of fat at their tummies are way higher compared to ladies, who tend to store the fat at their butt, thighs and arms.

But you don’t want to look like that, right? After all, you want to keep yourself healthy, and it definitely peaks up your confidence when you look in the mirror and don’t see a beer belly every morning or night.

So, here’s what you need to do to get rid of it.

The IDEAL Belly Size

You’ll definitely want to drop the belly fat as if your waist increases beyond 35 inches for the ladies and 40 inches for men (by diameter), if not you’re looking at higher chances of overall mortality, heart problems and metabolic issues too.

Aim to keep your waist size below these figures, and you’re good.

How to Eliminate the Beer Belly

You’ve heard it over and over again that this probably sounds like a spoiled record player, but yes, there’s only two things you ever need to do to sort out your waist.

Up your exercise activity and drop the calories. A healthy diet with low-caloric foods work best. Oh and yes, place that beer bottle down as well as any other alcoholic drink.

If you have to, keep your alcohol serving at 2 daily for guys and once a day for ladies.

You will need to do aerobic workouts – we’re talking swimming, tennis and even cycling. Sure, crunches and sit-ups are going to strengthen your core, but that’s simply not going to work on its own. The aim is to lose the weight around your belly, after all!


Here’s a highlight though – when your weight starts to drop, it always gives in across your abs first. As this is visceral fat, it’s more metabolically active compared to other places, and easier to split up.

So, got the idea on why beer doesn’t really cause you a beer belly now? What are you going to do about your tummy, then?

Now you’ve become smarter. Remember to check back tomorrow in the Goody Feed app for a new Fact of the Day!