10 Childhood Cartoon Songs Every 90s Kid Can Sing Along To


Last Updated on 2023-03-22 , 6:12 pm

Arh…the 1990s could well be the best period to be alive in Singapore. Without Facebook and Twitter, our lives were about friends and cartoons. And theme songs of cartoons. Like these songs that never, ever leave our mind. Never.


You want to know what “kick-ass” means? Listen to this and you’ll know. It’s more than kick-ass. It kicks asses.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

What’s a list of childhood songs without the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? Go, go, Power Rangers!

Captain Planet

He’s what we really need now. Captain Planet, can you come and take the haze away? We tried doing the ring thingy in the office but the security guard came instead leh.

Bananas in Pyjamas

Before Amos Yee made bananas popular, this was the show that introduced us to bananas. In Pyjamas.

Land before Time (If We Hold on Together)

The evergreen song that has made EVERY (we’re sure—we’re very, very sure) 90s kid cried, this is one heck of a song that has become a cannon. If the X-Men theme represents kickass, this song represents beauty.


As eerie as they look now, they used to be cute. Guess they didn’t age well?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…lalalalalalalalalaa, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… Okay, let’s admit: we know just four words in the lyrics, but we sure know the tone freaking well.


You know what’s best about this song? It should have got into the World Guinness Records for having the least number of words in a song.


We all know Peter Parker not from the movies, but from this. And it was on 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday, just so you know, you know.


You kids want to know how popular this was? Well, we all carried a big proton pack and proton rifle walked around our void deck, looking for ghosts.

The inner kid in us didn’t expect that ten years later, some of us would be carrying a big field pack and SAR21 rifle.