10 cost saving ideas for new parents you must know because babies are so expensive


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 11:28 am

Having a baby can is a game-changer in your life. Yes, you’ve heard your pals tell you about how they’ve lost sleep, and never get to enjoy a shower properly. And then they tell you about the smiles, coos and cuddles that make them feel like they’re the best parents in the world.

A baby comes with costs, and a lot of unexpected ones too. Are you worried about whether you can afford to have kids? These are 10 treasured tips that will help you and your partner get ready for the financial storm. Because it’s brewing, and you have to go in with all guns blazing.

Lean More Towards Items with Neutral Colors
Get a green baby chair instead of one that’s in pink or blue. You won’t have to crack your head on having to using it for baby number two (or three).

Convertible Items
There’s travel systems that are car seats paired with strollers, and baby cots that can be changed into toddler mode. You’d cut your costs and get two items for the price of one!

Formula milk isn’t cheap, and it does not come close to a mother’s milk when it comes to the nutrients. Breastfeed if you can, but nonetheless it’s alright if circumstances cause you to switch to formula.

No to Nursing Wardrobes
Breastfeeding doesn’t actually need a special set of clothes. You could opt for a shawl for a nursing cover. And tank tops can just be pulled slightly and button down shirts work fine.

A Basic High Chair
Your baby is going to mess up his chair as he learns to eat. A simple one from IKEA makes cleaning up a breeze (no padded seats to wash down) and functions just as well.

Flash Sales Are Your New Friend
When you see a flash sale online or in the papers, go for it and stock up on as much as you can. Baby wipes, diapers and clothing too!

A Stroller with Full Potential
This is your travel buddy, especially in MRT and buses. Pick a stroller that folds easily and allows your baby to sleep flat. There are also strollers that can be converted into a double stroller by adding another seat. You could consider this if you’re intending to have more babies. Really. You’ll save some dough here too.

Buy Bigger Clothes
Get baby clothes which are one size bigger. Dresses can be grown into shirts and pants can become capris.

Swap Clothing
Plan a get-together with your friends at home and exchange clothing that are no longer used.

Share Your Meals
Baby food are expensive and not really fresh, if you think of it. Cook your baby’s meals and bring them along as you travel, or share some of your food with her if she’s old enough.

Top Image: takayuki / Shutterstock.com