10 things you must definitely buy from e-mart when you go for your ICT


Last Updated on 2017-05-25 , 6:42 pm

What’s the best thing about being in ICT? Well, other than the fact that you’ll be free from the stress of your work, you’ll also be given credits to buy stuff from SAF’s supermarket e-mart. While technically, we should be buying stuff for our training, let’s face it: the only stuff that we’ll get for our training are those arc of fire sticks and range cards. The rest…well, here’s the list.

Running shoes
Come on, admit this: you’ve got five pairs of sports shoes because you’ve been to five cycles of ICT. This is a must-buy: I myself have got a few New Balance ones, a Brooks one, an Asics one and my latest is my trusty blue Adidas one. Have they come out with new ones again? I kind of like Nike, you know.

On your first ICT, you bought a size 30. Second, you bought a size 32. Third, you bought a size 34. You know, based on what you buy, the e-mart staff will know which cycle you’re in. Gutters Because on your first day, 99% of us use rubber bands, and gutters are not just a “must-buy” item, but a “confirm-lose” item. R

unning vests and shorts
Because there’s IPPT coming, and you can’t fit into your exercise clothes anymore. Just some advice for you: buy a bigger size for the new shorts. You’ll thank me later. #truestory

Water bottle
Because when you go for your ICT, you’ll realize that there’s still water inside your water bottle…from the previous ICT. You won’t want to use that, will you?

Smartphone protector
It’s some sort of transparent cover that protects your phone from water and dust, as we’ll be exposed to mud, water and gunpowder during our outfield. But hey, here’s the thing: aren’t we not supposed to bring phone into the jungle? So why sell this? (Who…didn’t…bring…phone…to…outfield? Signal comms can WhatsApp?)

ID Tag + Cover
The emart auntie will tell you to go engrave your ID somewhere else if you’re in a hurry. But everyone wears the same ID tag: those without any engraving. #truestory

SAF’s green towel is the best towel. Ever. No horse run, I tell you. No horse run.

Not the green socks, mind you. The white ones for PT. Not only are they comfortable, you can get it with your credit as well. All my socks are from e-mart, no kidding.

A gift for your girlfriend or wife
Come on lah, Bro, we feel you: ICT means you won’t kana nagged by your SO for throwing your socks around. Buy her something for that one or two weeks of peace you’ll have. Maybe an SOG?

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com