A Neuropsychologist Explains Why Young People Are Getting More Forgetful


Last Updated on 2022-07-22 , 3:59 pm

I‘m pretty sure you’ve done this at least once before.

You leave the house and take the lift to the ground floor. Then, as you walk out from your block, you asked yourself: wait, did I lock the door? Then you go back up just to check.

And this isn’t just happening to old people. This is happening to young people today too.

And There Are Reasons That This is Happening

You’re getting forgetful and you’re worried that something’s wrong with you.

But don’t worry, because Catherine Loveday, a neuropsychologist at the University of Westminster said there are other factors causing the forgetfulness.

It could be “poor quality sleep, stress, distractions, depression and alcohol consumption” that’s causing the goldfish memory syndrome (GMS). Yes, I just came up with that by myself.

These factors are usually temporary, which means once you get rid of these conditions, you’ll be able to memorise like an Overseas Merit Scholar.

But take note, if these effects continue for a long time, then you might have a harder time getting rid of GMS.

Taking Pictures Might Affect Your Memory Of That Event Too

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. But in this case, choosing to focus on taking pictures instead of being immersed in an event will make you forget the words the pictures are trying to say.

A recent research showed that if you take pictures of an event, you’ll be able to better remember what you saw but forget what was said.

The theory is that by focusing on taking pictures, you are actually distancing yourself from the experience to document what is going on.

Which makes sense.

To take a picture, you have to physically step back and look at the situation with a third-party view.

This means you might miss out on different aspects of the experience which might’ve made you remember it better.

Here, try this the next time you go to a Jay Chou concert.


Don’t whip out your smartphone to record anything other than a selfie with the superstar.

You’ll realise that the memory of the concert is going to be more vivid, more colourful and, most importantly, more enjoyable.

In Conclusion, Your Poor Memory Could’ve Been Caused By:

Your lifestyle.

Get more quality sleep, learn methods to destress (healthily) and cut back on the drinking, and you’ll probably be able to feel the difference in your memory pretty starkly.

And for those who love to video record their professors in lectures, well, you might want to stop doing that.


While the video is useful for your revision, you’ll probably slack off during the class and talk to your friends instead of paying attention.

Then, you’ll need to hug the buddha’s leg at the very last minute (if you get what I mean) and burn the midnight oil.

Which makes your learning even harder because, stress, lack of sleep and all that? They cause GMS.

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