Handphone Shop in Bukit Panjang Broken into 2 Times in…3 Days


If you open a shop and it gets broken into once, it means you suay lah.

But if your shop kena broke into twice in a row within 3 days? Then you really super suay. 

Think this is something that never happens in real life? Think again.

Because it did and it happened right here in Singapore.

The owner should go buy 4D or something liao.

Glass Broken and Phones Stolen

It was reported on STOMP that a handphone shop in Greenridge Shopping Centre at Bukit Panjang was robbed at around 4 am on 19 May 2017.

The display glass was broken and 8 iPhones, one Huawei and one Xiaomi phone were taken from the shop.

The security guard on duty claimed that he did not see nor hear anything suspicious from the area.

Police confirmed that they have been alerted to the crime and were conducting their investigations.

The Same Shop Robbed Again, This Time Thief Caught Red-Handed

You’d have thought the next piece of news coming out will be about the identity of said thief. Nope, you thought wrong.

Because the shop was robbed. Again. 

Yes, you heard that right. 

It was reported on STOMP that the shop was broken into again at around 3.55 am on 21 May 2017. And the “point of entry” was the same.


This time, the cut was so much cleaner. I guess that means lesser clean up, not that it’s a big consolation to the owner.

The manager of the store told STOMP that the security guard at the mall saw the culprit in a hooded jacket committing the crime, and shouted for him to stop.

But he managed to escape, leaving behind one Samsung S8 on the display and dropping another Samsung S8 when he ran away.

He took three Huawei phones and three Samsung phones amounting to approximately $5,000.


The police once again confirmed that they were alerted to alerted to a case of housebreaking by night and theft at 524A Jelapang Road on May 21 at 3.55am.

The investigation is currently ongoing and it could not be confirmed if the same person was behind the two robberies.

But one thing for sure, netizens are saying that the shop should stop displaying live, working models at the display windows.

After all, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Shame on me.

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**All images from stomp.com.sg

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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