Ladies: Your hair length could reveal your personality!


Last Updated on 2017-05-10 , 12:54 pm

Back in the conservative days, women are told that long hair is beautiful. But as our definition of beauty diversifies, we now have more options to choose from, and what you choose may actually reveal your personality!

Long Hair
Like what we’ve said, long hair is the classic must-have for traditional beauty. It probably means that you are a conservative person who is also down-to-earth and possesses extraordinary logical thinking, making sense of problems and focused on finding solutions without the emotions. Your thinking skills are great for your career but socially, it also means you take time to warm up to new friends and they have to earn your trust.

Hair to the hip
You’ve probably kept your hair long for years now. It’s a sign that you are not a big fan of changes and tend to stick to what you know. You often feel stressed out having to come out of your comfort zone and your hair is like your emotional anchor, something that makes you feel safe. But such devotion is your strength when it comes to relationships – you are good at making forever friends and your love life is sincere and stable.

Waist-length hair
If you set your heart to do something, you tend to put in 100% of effort. You’re not afraid of putting in hard work in order to get what you want and you love being dramatically different. You probably love having options as well and love following the latest trends, changing every now and then. People perceive you as someone who has everything under control and shines brighter with every challenge that gets in your way.

Armpit-length hair
You are a practical person who tries to find a balance in everything. You want to have a successful career or academic slips but you also want to have a healthy social life. You are usually the “gel” in your clique, the one who brings joy to everyone and help to deepen the friendship bonds. You are a great person in the eyes of others but deep down, you know that it’s only so because you keep the problems to yourself.

Shoulder-length hair
Life is more than about you, which is why you put responsibilities above your own needs and wants. Whether it’s work or life, you tend to consider every option and prepare for every scenario. You have high expectations of yourself and others but those goals may not exactly be practical or achievable.

It’s like you have a mild case of bipolar personality and people tend to get confused about you – sometimes you love to hang out and have a great laugh, but other times you’re like a hermit crab engrossed in your own little bubble, refusing to leave your room. You tend to work yourself to maximum capacity before running away to recharge yourself.

Ear-length hair
You’re outgoing, adventurous and have great artistic talents. You’re not afraid of being who you are, and is perfectly okay with standing out from the crowd. Every bit of doubt that people casts on you only fuels you to soar higher and become more confident.

You have a lot of friends but only a selected few would really understand how you feel. Many people admire you for your charm and talent but they tend to feel an invisible barrier that you hold up.

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