Lady Allegedly Finds Cockroach in Her Noodles, Seller Tells Her It’s Not His Fault #NoSorryNotSorry


The internet is man’s greatest invention in the 21st century. At least that’s what my boss always says.

For me, it’s the aircon, but that’s a story for another day.

So, the Internet. Like Donald Trump always says:


Internet’s a beautiful thing. So beautiful that if I could marry her, I’ll do it in a heartbeat.

And the story that I’m about to share will show you why the Internet’s such a beautiful thing.

Woman Finds Cockroach in Food

Backtrack to when the internet, or to be more exact, social media wasn’t exactly a thing.

A headline like this wouldn’t have appeared in front of us. At all. And we wouldn’t have known about it unless it’s the 13th-floor auntie who had this horrifying experience and told you all about it.

Fast forward a few years later, and it’s a different story.

Stall owners now have more deterrence from doing wrong things because Facebook gives you a voice.

Which is why when something like this allegedly happens, it gets viral online.

On 18 July, Facebook user SH Tan took to Facebook to tell others about her experience at a food stall.

She claimed that she bought a packet of noodles from a stall at North View Biz Hub and brought it back to her office.

When she was eating at about 9.45 am, she found this in her food.

Image: Facebook (SH Tan)

Disgusted, she walked back to the stall where she bought the food from and confronted the guy.

And to her ire, he didn’t apologise. Not only that, he allegedly refused to refund her for the food too.

And to add oil to the fire, the guy who sold her the food said that it wasn’t his fault. She asked others to share her story on Facebook and boycott the stall in the future.

At the time of writing, her over 1,700 shares and over 700 comments and shares.


Netizens reactions pretty much what you’d expect 

Call the NEA

There’s even a veteran of such cases


Some thought that Tan let the seller off too easily

Then we have the resident funny guys

Yup, Yishun.


So there you go, folks. Yet another F&B stall that deserves to be shut down for good.

Or do they?

But there’s one thing to remember

Just as the internet, and social media, is beautiful, there’s another side to it. The uglier side.

The Princess Elsa to Alice in Wonderland.

And that’s the fact that humans lie. For attention, to create chaos, or just to watch the world burn…


But of course, we’re pretty sure SH Tan’s experience is real (real and scary to people who’re afraid of cockroaches) since she apparently even knows the stall’s name, but somewhere out there, there might be fake news.

I mean, that’s entirely why the Singapore government has to put on a circus show to crush Fake News.

Because people, not just Singaporeans but globally, are unable to differentiate between the real stuff and the fake ones.

And I don’t blame them. It’s kind of like blaming a 10-year-old kid for not being able to drive a real car when all he’s been driving is Initial D. racing game at the arcade.

Just take a look at this:

A certain Desty Nee openly says that that is in Singapore…but alas:


It actually happened in China.

Desty Nee might have been joking, but it sure won’t be funny if she just anyhowly put in a stall’s name.

So you can’t blame us poor mortals for exacerbating the wrong things sometimes, right?

It’s this: Share responsibly.

Nothing on the net can be truly believed, so verify before you share images of the store that sold the packet of kway teow with the alleged added ingredient.

You could just be destroying a business or a person’s livelihood. For something they might not have ever done.

On a separate note, our message’s pretty helpful, right? Help share this one instead lah! 😉