If You Have Nightmares Regularly, It Might Be Good News After All


Last Updated on 2022-10-21 , 1:31 pm

Well, you can think of yourself as a really creative person or just a terribly stressed-out one.

Many of us automatically assume that nightmares are harbingers of the bad things that are about to happen to us. However, scientists believe that dreaming is actually a thinking process, a sort of continuation of the stream of our thoughts from the day.

Why do Nightmares Occur? 

According to Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, a professional dream analyst and author of Dream On It, a nightmare occurs when you are thinking about difficult issues during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and trying to figure them out.

This happens because we often try to ignore the difficult issues in the day with distractions all around us so when we sleep, we are forced to address these issues.

Interestingly enough, there have been times when people have found the solution to their problems via their dreams.

Nightmares can also occur if you have unresolved conflicts such as past traumatic experiences. This is because unresolved incidents do not just go away, they shape our personality.

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Are Nightmares Totally Bad? 

On the lighter side, researcher Michelle Carr, who studied dreaming at the University of Montreal’s Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine, believes that having regular nightmares makes us more creative and well-rounded people.

In one study Carr conducted, those who have nightmares thought more creatively in word association tasks.

They tend to experience a more dream-like quality to their waking thoughts, they are somehow deemed to be more creative too.

In fact, those who report having a lot of nightmares also report that they have more positive dreams too.


The next time you experience a bout of nightmares, fret not. It may not be such a bad thing after all.

In fact, it may even offer solutions for the issues you face in the day. It is okay to still feel freaked out in the morning, though.

Some nightmares can be exceedingly horrifying and can still cause us to wander around in a daze because of how real they felt. Or, might also mean it is time for you to stop watching horror movies.

Featured Image: Variety