1 of the Scientific Reasons Why You’re Always Hungry


Last Updated on 2022-10-08 , 2:02 pm

Disclaimer: This article is meant to be a guide and not meant to replace any professional medical advice. Should you be worried about being forever hungry, please seek professional medical advice. 

It seems to be that you are the forever hungry person in your group of friends and always rummaging for food everywhere you go. In actual fact, you’ve just eaten a mere 1-2 hours ago.

You are known as the bottomless pit among your friends and they already know to pass you any food that they are not able to finish. Besides, they know never to let you get into a hungry state which can happen anytime.

Want to know why you’re constantly craving food? Check this out.

One of the reasons why you are legitimately always hungry could be because you are genetically blessed with a fast metabolism or you have actually upped your metabolism through exercise.

Because your body burns your fuel faster than normal, naturally you will need more fuel. Having a faster metabolism means that you can burn up to 400 extra calories per day, which might just explain why you are piling food on your plate again.

You could also be heading for the kitchen because all you have eaten so far is processed, refined foods that do nothing to fill you up no matter how much you have eaten.

Sure, you get the high of the sugar rush but after that, it leaves you feeling all empty inside.

To keep feeling full throughout the day, grab high fibre, whole grain products which take longer to process.

Or maybe you are just thirsty, and your body mistook thirst for hunger pangs. Down a glass of water first before deciding to devour that tempting plate of nasi lemak.

Your body’s hormones also play a big part in making you always hungry. Sometimes an overactive thyroid gland causes your body’s functions to rev up, making you burn your energy faster than normal. This is known as hyperthyroidism and is often caused by Grave’s disease.

Your blood sugar levels should also be examined if you are always feeling hungry shortly after you eat. Low blood sugar is known as hypoglycaemia and overly high blood sugar levels known as diabetes are what causes influences your hunger levels.

Sometimes hunger pangs might be mistaken as just plain appetite, where you just crave that certain food and must have it.

For example, you miss that heavenly slice of chocolate cake that you ate the other day and just simply want to demolish another one. If you are concerned about anything, it is always safe to consult your local doctor to put your mind at ease.

Featured Image: kandl stock / Shutterstock.com
