A Simple 5-Step Solution to Level Up Faster in Pokémon GO So You Can Start Winning at Gym Battles


Pokemon GO might be a game where players pit their strongest Pokemon against each other but in the game, not only do you have to grow your Pokemon well, your own character’s level matters as well.

As you grow higher in level, you get access to stronger items and gain the ability to catch even stronger Pokemon with higher CP.

That’s why you don’t see any level one players trashing a level 20 character in the game. At least, not yet.

Here’s what you can do to level up faster in Pokemon GO so that you can start winning at gym battles for your team.

1. Catch All Pidgeys, Caterpies and Weedle

Every time you evolve a Pokemon, you get 500XP. And why Pidgey, Caterpie and Weedle? These Pokemon only requires 12 candies to evolve, and they’re super common in Singapore as well so you will find yourself having an easier time evolving them then other Pokemon.

2. Evolve all Pokemon in One Shot

If you’re the impatient sort, you’ll probably be evolving one Pokemon as soon as you’re able. Don’t. Hoard your “evolvable” Pokemon and keep them in your bag first. When you find that you don’t have enough space left, then evolve them all in one go.

The reason will be revealed shortly.

3. Start Getting Lucky Eggs

For the uninformed, Lucky Eggs are amazing stuff. Pop open one of them and you’ll have double your XP gain for 30 minutes. Again, don’t use them first. Just keep them in your bag and continue walking.

4. Don’t Go for Pokemon’s Third Evolution

It takes more candies for a Pokemon to evolve from a second to the third evolution, for example, Pidgeotto to Pidgeot. And the kicker is, the XP gain you get from the evolution is the same.

If you’re planning to grind your level, you’re better off mass evolving first stage Pokemon.

5. Use the Lucky Egg

And now, for the final step. Get as many “evolvable” first stage Pokemon together as you can, then use a lucky egg.

Now the net XP that you expect to gain from that group evolutions, it’ll be doubled. Yes, a lot of prep work but oh-so-worth-it.

And if you still have time on your lucky egg, hatch some eggs or fight gym battles. You’ll gain 100XP from gym battles even if you lose and each egg hatched when your lucky egg is effective nets you 200XP.

And a Bonus.

Okay, this is just in case you didn’t know.

Did you know that if you left a Pokemon behind to defend a gym you’ve won for your team, you won’t be able to use it in gym battles anymore?

Leave your second strongest Pokemon in the gym and continue battling with your strongest Pokemon to win gym battles and gain even more XP.


So there you go, a 5-steps solution to power leveling and winning gym battles for your Team.

Featured image: tipsandtricksfor.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com