Spooky: This creepy selfie went viral and scared the hell out of netizens online


Last Updated on 2017-05-13 , 2:49 pm

Having made its way into the Cambridge Dictionary, the selfie has already taken the world by storm, filling the Internet with pictures of lame people with duckfaces.

Perhaps this self-indulgent habit is incurring the wrath of more than just sensible, right-minded people, as suggested by this selfie below.

Image: Twitter (@itsthemans)

It looks like an innocent couple taking a selfie, but the reflection on the door behind them suggests otherwise. Someone–or something–is obviously looking back at the camera, sparking a torrent of retweets and a feature on 9gag.

We’re all probably hoping this is just another prank courtesy of Photoshop; if it is, it’s a pretty good job as well.

Either that…or Voldemort is real. If this doesn’t get you to stop taking selfies, you might want to consider getting a blessing or two from your nearest place of worship before the same thing happens to you.

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