Video About Office OT Culture Is Being Shared Extensively (Actually Just to Show Bosses)


Goody Feed people might be as varied as a sushi platter from Sushi Express but there are a few common things we are all united on.

Cheap, good deals happening in Singapore.

And our stand on doing overtime hours, or OT for short.

In fact, we’ve had a few rants on people who think that they’re “hardworking” because they do OT.

Like this article, who thinks that OT isn’t because we can’t keep up with the workload but because of culture.

In fact, our resident handsome bufflord is so against OT that he decided to spell out the reasons why people are not going home on time.

Let’s just say that the content, or the reasons, aren’t exactly complimentary.

Like this video we’ve done:

(Since you’re here, subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more informative videos lah)

So when we came across a viral video (not ours lah) about OT on Facebook? We knew it has to be written because it has a message for both bosses (hi, boss!) and employees.

The Most Relatable Video About OT You’d Ever Find

Long have you seen people staying in the office even when the sun has set.

When you ask them why? They’ll say the boss gave them a lot of work.

Or claimed they want to complete something before going home. They’ll moan about how the work is so comprehensive and complicated they cannot go home without completing it.

Hell, you might’ve said it once or twice in your life.


But if you pause and think, really confront yourself deep down inside, that might not be the truth.

And that’s what the video is talking about.

“Bro, Half Day Again Today?”

I’m pretty sure you’ve met with this situation at least once in your life.

You’re ready to go home but you decide to play Maplestory M on your phone instead because the rest of your colleagues are still typing at their workstations.

Even worse, you’re the new person at work so you’re worried if it’s acceptable that you’re leaving for your home first.


And you’d always have that one colleague who wants to give his opinion on your behaviour, whether you like it or not.

We call them the boss’s pet.

And that was what happened to the main character in this video, except, he has some wise words to dispense.

Who Said Sunday is The Only Day To Live?

And isn’t this the truth that Singaporeans need to hear?

When it comes to Singapore, clean and green isn’t the words used to describe us anymore. It’s “fast-paced”, “competitive” and “high-tech”.

Most, if not all of us, working full-time find excuses to leave time with our family, our hobbies and our loved ones for the weekend.


While weekdays are reserved for slogging our hearts out and putting everything else aside besides work.

No companies in Singapore tells you to do that, but you do it anyway.

And at the end of the day, you’ll realise that out of one entire year, you’ve only spent 104 days on your own life.

The rest of the time is spent on working.

The Real Reason Why You Can’t Leave Work On Time

Okay, before we begin our mini-rant (again), here’s a short disclaimer: Not everyone works OT because of this reason. But for most of us, this is exactly our problem.


Before patting yourself on the back for doing OT, ask yourself this: are you efficient?

Because for most of us, we can’t answer this question honestly.

You’d take plenty of toilet breaks, gossip breaks, political debate breaks and more.

When you sit down at the desk, the first thing you do isn’t to focus on your work. It’s to go to the toilet. Or maybe, a smoke break.

Or you might even go heat up the water and make some coffee. Because no coffee cannot wake up.

In other words, the reason why we have to put in extra hours is because we didn’t focus and make full use of the 9 work hours given to us.

And It Has Become a Company Culture

What happens next?

People who leave on time are penalised while those who stayed back are regarded as hardworking, overworked individuals.


Bosses like people like that. Hardworking individuals who don’t mind being pushed to their limits.

Assuming that both types complete their required tasks, the one who gets the promotion is the one who put in the overtime because they’re hardworking.

Despite the fact that they’re not as efficient as the ones who leave on time.

So there you go. If you’re working and you find yourself working OT, or just a workaholic, this video is just for you.

Here, watch the video for yourself:

This will be the best 5 minutes of your life, trust me.

Though my friends do say that it feels like the HGF whenever I’m in the office #AmIThatScary?

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