You must do these 5 things other than #YOLO before you die, or you’ll die with regrets


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

Most of us believe in #YOLO and we make the best use out of our lives. For those who are clueless, YOLO means “You Only Live Once”. This motto has become many people’s motto in life and most of us try to live up to it. However, there are some who YOLO too much and try to enjoy life without making sense of it. How can we make better sense and meaning out of our life?

Live your life with purpose
Many of us think that our life is like a rudder-less boat with no meaning or purpose. Is that true? Or you are just pushing away your responsibility to make your life purposeful to everyone except yourself? Live your life with purpose. Put those meaningful plans of yours to actions and live your life the way you want it to be. Stop following others and give yourself the true meaning of living a great life.

Stop wasting time
Time is precious and it waits for no man. Today will never come back if you let it slip by you. Live your day as if it is the last one every day. Do not wait till tomorrow what you can do today. If you follow this ideology, you will find yourself accomplished more than you could ever imagine.

Stop complaining that life is a bitch
Do you know that you can put your time to better use instead of complaining how life is such a bitch? Complaining get you nowhere, and instead of complaining, put into action something productive and you could find yourself happier in all the dealings you have in life. Complaining takes the negative and put it on a pedestal while doing something productive to counter the complaint takes away the negativity in your life.

Stop giving excuses
If you want to get something, go after it. That is the right way to live. Stop giving excuses on why you cannot go after it. Excuses are show-stoppers in your life. If you allow these excuses to get in your way, you will never be able to get what you truly want out of your life.

Stop comparing yourself to others
Give yourself a break! Remember that you are a special individual with your own special path to walk in life. Stop comparing yourself to others whom you think have it all and then berate yourself for not doing better. If you would to stop blaming yourself and start doing something positive, you may soon be better than the “other” that you were previously comparing yourself to.

We could go on and on with the list but these 5 are really important pointers that you need to take note of. If you don’t, you will miss out a lot in life.

One last thing to add – the most important thing that you can do in life is to love. Love yourself, your family, your friends. Without love, life is meaningless. So go on, start to do what is right for yourself and you will definitely find yourself living a more purposeful life than before.

Top Image: Rachata Teyparsit  /