New COVID-19 Clusters Reported on 1 Aug Include a Community Hospital & a Dorm

In an ideal world, McSpicys would be a digestive aid, napping would help you lose weight, and COVID-19 would magically disappear whenever strict restrictions are imposed to curb its spread.

But alas, we live in a world it’s impossible to launch a travel bubble with even one country.

It’s been a week and a half since the return of Phase 2 (Heightened Annoyance), and things are only marginally better.

113 new locally transmitted cases were reported yesterday, of whom 38 are unlinked.

Here are the details:

10 New Clusters Reported

In three of the last four days, 10 new clusters have been reported daily, with eight clusters identified on the other day.

Yesterday, one of the 10 new clusters was linked to Yishun Community Hospital, which has four cases.

Another cluster with five cases was identified at Westlite Mandai Dormitory.

The remaining eight new clusters have three to six infections each.

The Punggol Primary School grew to 14 infections, after one new case was added to it yesterday.

In total, there are 83 active clusters in Singapore.

Jurong Fishery Port Cluster Continues to Grow

There are two things you can count on right now:

  1. That the Jurong Fishery Port cluster will grow
  2. That no one will go anywhere near a KTV lounge

The cluster linked to Jurong Fishery Port/Hong Lim Market and Food Centre is indeed still growing, though its daily increases have been dropping.

Yesterday, 18 new cases were added to the cluster, bringing its total tally to 1,045. It remains our largest active cluster.

No new cases were linked to the KTV lounges cluster, which currently has 251 cases.

590 Cases in Hospital; 8 in ICU

At the moment, there are 590 COVID-19 cases in hospital, most of whom are well and under observation.

35 severe cases require oxygen supplementation, and eight are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

Of the 43 cases, four were fully vaccinated; three require oxygen supplementation while one requires intensive care as they have underlying medical conditions.

29 patients above 60 have fallen very ill, of whom only three are fully vaccinated.

61% Population Fully Vaccinated

It’s not all bad news though.

As of 31 July, 61% of the population in Singapore has been fully vaccinated.

What’s more, 77% has received at least one dose of a vaccine.

The health ministry once again reiterated that evidence shows vaccines help to prevent the serious disease from COVID-19.

The faster we all get vaccinated, the quicker we can open up.

Hong Lim & Chong Boon Markets to Reopen Tomorrow (3 Aug)

More good news: Hong Lim Market and Food Centre and Chong Boon Market and Food Centre will reopen tomorrow (3 Aug) after two weeks of closure.

Both markets were closed on 16 and 17 July respectively due to an outbreak of COVID-19.

Both markets have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and all stallholders and stall assistants are on a 14-day cycle of rostered routine testing.

More markets and food centres are expected to reopen in the coming days, once cleaning is completed.

Unsure if your local market and food centre has reopened? Head here to find out.

Curious about where Singapore get their food? Watch this:

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Featured Image: Facebook (Yishun Community Hospital)