10 awesome tea and their benefits that might just convert you into a tea lover


Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:27 pm

Since the historical old days, tea drinkers has been around and consuming the well-loved beverage for various reasons. Some prefer it due to the taste and smell, some as a medicine while others out of habit. But did you know that teas are actually beneficial for your health? These are some of the teas known to help prolong your life, the natural way:

Green Tea

Image: nutritionsecrets.com

Other than the refreshing earthy taste, green tea is packed with many benefits. The antioxidants and nutrients in the tea leaves help your body and your brain in reducing the risks of cancer, improve brain power and help shed excess body fat.

Oolong Tea

Image: fbmis.info

This tea yields a fruity and fragrant flavour but did you know that oolong tea helps you to attain healthier and shinier hair? The list of health benefits is long from consuming this tea as it is a combination of both black and green tea.

Some of the functions in this caffeinated drink include reducing stress and eczema, controlling diabetes, improving your mental health and protecting your teeth. However, as the beverage consists of caffeine, you should always consume in moderation or it will result in headaches, anxiety or irregular heartbeats.

Ginger Tea

Image: archive.indianexpress.com

Ginger tea is often served after a spa treatment, when you’re feeling cold or having motion sickness. This is because ginger helps to keep our bodies warm, relieve nausea and allows our blood to pump, improving blood circulation.

Ginger tea, although strong in its flavour, benefits us by strengthening our immune system and relieving stress. Females who are experiencing menstrual discomfort or those having muscle strain may also choose to opt for this tea to reduce pain as it helps to relax the muscles.

Chamomile Tea

Image: chamomileteaonline.info

Chamomile tea dates back to centuries and is known for its medicinal purposes. Its fruity flavour is suitable for people who prefer non-caffeinated beverages. Its health benefits include aiding those who have cuts or wounds as it helps them to heal faster, reducing insomnia and relieving cramps and pain.

English Breakfast Tea

Image: vipova.com

A classic black tea, rich with assam flavours, the english breakfast tea can be drunk plain, with milk or with honey. The benefits and nutrients of consuming this black tea allow consumers to lower their cholesterol levels and reduce the risks of heart diseases.

Earl Grey Tea

Image: comerydivertirse.com

Also a classic in the history of tea, the earl grey tea consists of a number of nutrients in its tea leaves. Besides the citrusy smell of the tea, this beverage aids consumers with ease of digestion, reduce stress and prevent tooth decay due to the mineral fibres found in the tea.


Pu-er Tea

Image: beautyepic.com

Popular in the Chinese culture, pu-er tea is regularly drunk after a meal to wash down toxins. Besides that, the tea is known for multiple effectiveness including lowering cholesterol and sugar levels in your body. The fermented dried tea leaves also help people with asthma, diabetes and those looking to lose weight.

White Tea

Image: zemmrate.com

White tea is known to contain numerous nutrients that are non-destructive to the body. Some drinkers of white tea experienced healthy and youthful skin as the tea contains anti-aging properties which slow down the process of any damage that may affect your internal organs. The tea also acts as a natural sunblock and protects consumers against the effects of unprotected exposure.

Lemongrass Tea

Image: herbalteasonline.com

This refreshing lemon-lime tea with a hint of ginger and mint is not everybody’s cup of tea due to the strong smell and taste but there are a number of benefits that comes with the beverage. The tea is a natural cure for coughs and flu.

Besides that, drinking a cup of lemongrass tea a day helps reduce depression and helps with detoxifying the body. New mothers may opt to consume a cup of lemongrass tea as well to help breastfeed their babies due to the nutrient properties in lemongrass but do note that pregnant ladies are to avoid this drink! The beverage also helps to reduce body odour – it’s like a natural deodorant!

Peppermint Tea

Image: teamajesty.com

Like its name, this tea tastes and smell minty. The herb in the tea not only freshen your breath but soothes you. It is extremely helpful when consumers feel sick from nausea or vomiting as the properties contain nutrients to help calm the body. Its natural minerals also aid in muscle pain, mild cough and stress reduction. Do note that peppermint tea is not suitable for people with heartburn, though, as it might trigger the condition to worsen.

After looking at these, you might want to put down your sugary can of soda and pick up some healthy tea leaves instead. What do you think of these natural benefits?

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com
