10 best food places for class gatherings in S’pore because they have so many seats


Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:28 pm

We all know the trouble of going out in a big group and not being able to find places to eat since the restaurant usually does not have enough space for everyone. Here are 10 suggestions for where you can gather as a big group and have a great meal!

Wheeler’s Yard
Located snugly in Balestier, Wheeler’s Yard uses a large industrial container as their cafe space, thus having a very spacious interior with big wooden furniture, perfect for large group gatherings.

The alfresco area is pretty spacious and suitable for big groups and since it’s outside,you won’t have to worry about disturbing the other tables when you talk and chatter!

Pizza Hut Thomson Plaza
I know, this seems oddly specific but based on experience, this particular outlet is quite spacious and the last time I went with a large group of 10+ people, there was more than enough space!

The Roti Prata House
This well-loved prata place in Upper Thomson is unarguably large, and you can often see large groups of students from nearby schools feasting there, attesting to how suitable it is for class gatherings

Casuarina Curry
Another popular prata outlet that is not far from the previous one also boasts a spacious dining area both inside and outside.

Supply & Demand
With big wooden tables and plush seats, this place is able to accommodate large groups comfortably and the interior is beautifully chic and the menu is also pretty safe and simple.

Eighteen Chefs
Although their outlets might not be super big per se, they do accept reservations and their student meal is really popular, perfect for a class outing.

Most KBBQ outlets are pretty large since they need the space for the equipment and stuff and it’s not uncommon to see big groups of teenagers occupying two large tables. Reservations are accepted at some places such as K.COOK.

Hawker Centres
Honestly, although you might think this is an unusual place for class gatherings, hawker centres are extremely spacious and serve a wide variety of comforting food at super affordable prices. Some suggestions would be Tiong Bahru Market and even though it might be a bit out of the way, your group can go for some hipster shopping and take nice photos afterwards!

The Good Old Rooftop
Not a food place technically, but it is actually a really good option since everyone can buy the food they want from shops all over the mall and then sit in a circle for comfortable chatter without worrying about disturbing other restaurant-goers.

Suggested places include Junction 8, NEX and Star Vista, but be sure to not be too loud or noisy or else someone might file complaints!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com