Why is My Face Getting Wider? 10 Habits to Blame


Last Updated on 2023-06-03 , 11:11 am

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and wondered, “why is my face getting wider?” you’re not alone.

Despite our best efforts with face rollers, masks, or other specialized equipment, we often fail to maintain the coveted V-shaped face. Sometimes, it’s not the lack of trying, but rather the subtle habits that make our faces look larger and rounder.

For those asking, “why is my face so round?” or “why is my face so wide?”, it’s time to consider these 10 common, yet unnoticed habits that could be the culprit.

Habit #1: Teeth Grinding

Are you often caught grinding your teeth unconsciously? This habit, while hard to break, can make your jawline more prominent and answer the question, “why is my face wide?” Limit teeth grinding as much as possible if you’re aiming for a slimmer face.

Habit #2: Consuming Large, Chewy Food

Eating large pieces of food or frequently chewing gum could be an unsuspecting answer to “why is my face rounder?” Regular, hefty chewing can bulk up your jaw muscles over time, resulting in a wider face.

Habit #3: Resting Your Chin on Your Hand

This seemingly harmless habit is quite common, especially during periods of boredom. However, it disrupts blood circulation to your chin, potentially altering your jaw structure and causing your lower facial features to appear larger.

Habit #4: Maintaining a Neutral Facial Expression

While excessive facial expressions may lead to wrinkles, a lack of expressions can lead to sagging skin. So, if you’re wondering, “why is my face so round?” it could be due to insufficient use of facial muscles.

Habit #5: Pressing Your Face Against the Pillow While Sleeping

Sleeping on your side or stomach may unknowingly cause misshaping of your facial structure and a larger, uneven jaw. This could be why your face is getting wider.

Habit #6: Using High Pillows

Using pillows that are too high could result in your chin pressing towards your chest, leading to poor blood circulation and possibly, the dreaded double chin.

Habit #7: Regular Late Nights

Regular late nights disrupt not only your sleep but also your metabolism, causing problems like water retention. This could answer your question, “why is my face so big?” due to the rounder, puffier look it provides.

Habit #8: Overzealous Face Washing

While it feels good to thoroughly wash and massage your face, too much vigor can lead to sagging skin and wrinkles. This could be another reason why your face seems so wide.

Habit #9: High Sodium Diet

Consuming high sodium foods often leads to water retention, making your face appear more chubby and round than it really is. Cut down on overly salty and fatty foods to avoid this.

Habit #10: Using Your Face to Hold Your Phone

If you’re often sandwiching your phone between your shoulder and face, this could lead to an uneven jawline and possibly a double chin.

So, the next time you ask, “why is my face so big?” or “why is my face so round?” remember to evaluate these habits and try to correct them for a slimmer, more V-shaped face.