10 eye-opening facts about Young & Fabulous that you probably didn’t know

For those who haven’t heard much about the upcoming local movie Young and Fabulous, here’re 10 eye-opening facts about it. Young and Fabulous was released on 26 May, so hurry and catch the film now!

It’s a cosplay theme movie
This movie aims to change the cosplay scene in Singapore, with the theme of “No dream is ever too big for reality. Live the impossible.”

Joyce Chu is in it
Remember the song ‘Malaysian Chabor” by Si Ye Cao? Yep, she’s acting in the movie—as a cosplayer.

The young main characters
Young and Fabulous stars Aloysius Pang, Joshua Tan and Joyce Chu as the main characters. If you’re a fan of them, you wouldn’t want to miss them on the big screen!

Also starring Gurmit Singh, Quan Yi Feng, Henry Thia and Jeffrey Xu
And Joshua will be Henry’s son. How interesting!

Real stories inspired by cosplayers
The movie comprises of real stories by cosplayers, students and teachers, and if you’re a cosplayer you can definitely relate to this film.

Story about dealing with rejection and being passionate
The main characters have to struggle with rejection from families and friends, and still staying passionate about their dream and friendship.

Movie feature costumes from actual cosplayers
You’ll get to see our young actors dressed in the costumes from actual cosplayers in our Singapore cosplay community.

Gurmit Singh would go to work in a bad mood
He went to that extentall for preparing his role of a strict discipline master of the school. It’s rare to see our comedic actor getting so serious!

First big screen for Jeffrey Xu
It’s his first time on the big screen, and it’s a cosplay movie. But fret not, he’s already had a tad of experience since he cosplayed before in his younger days. Say what?

Theme song sang by Joyce Chu
You love the song, right?