10 Facts About Hai Di Lao Other than Their Crazy Good Service

Who doesn’t love steamboat? Raise your hands. Ok, now you fellas better learn to appreciate the meal. Especially since this is all about Hai Di Lao.

This hotspot place is known for its oh-so-good food and service. But there’s 10 other things you need to learn about them:

Cut the Queue (Properly, Of Course!)
If you wanna get the best of the best, head over as early as you can, especially if it’s dinner. Drop by at 5pm. Not sure if that’s enough? Call the outlet before you go then. Alternatively, book in advance. If it’s dinner, book a week ahead. A lunch slot is best booked 3 days before. There’s just one more trick: if you’ve an elderly or a child with you, they might let you in first #truestory

Got Difference in Soup Base
To get the best hotpot experience, when you call for a refill, ask for the thick soup base. You’d otherwise get the diluted one. Don’t pour the entire bowl in though; adjust as you eat so you can get the ultimate texture and consistency of soup for your meal. Slurp!

Mini Hotpot
Don’t like sharing with others in a big pot coz you’re worried you’ll fall sick/low immune system? Dine individually then. Just ask for it. Over in Hai Di Lao, you’re the king.

Scoop Out the White Stuff On Your Soup
You see, the soup’s been boiling for hours, so naturally there will be a white film floating on the top of your soup. These are actually nitrates, coagulated fat and even some protein. They’re no longer good for you, so skim them off.

Free Manicure
Get a manicure card from Hai Di Lao, so even if there’s a super long queue to get your nails done, you can always claim it when you come again. It doesn’t matter if you’re eating there again for the second time, you can go and just claim the manicure itself! Just that, well, the queue can be super long.

Free Fruit Platter on Birthdays
If you and your girl pals head over on someone’s birthday, at the end of your meal, you get a fruit platter. So healthy and nutritious, and FREE!

Crack the Rubik
If you solve a Rubik cube puzzle while you’re dining there, you’re entitled to an $6 dish of your picking that’s on the house. I don’t know what kind of sorcery that is, but heck, it’s Hai Di Lao. You don’t go for the food. You go for the service, and maybe the Rubik.

All About Keeping Your Phone Safe
You always wonder what’d happen if your phone suddenly drops into the soup, right? Thankfully, Hai Di Lao gives out free Ziploc bags for you to keep them in. You can still use your phone, but no need to worry about soup spilling onto it and spoiling it either.

Get Membership Already
Dine there as many times as you want and with no minimum spend as a member. Earn your points and redeem them for goodies. Every one dollar spent earns you a point. Gifts are ever-changing, and they don’t stick around for more than 6 months.

Free Snacks While You Wait
Get free WiFi, herbal tea, fruits and even popcorn while you wait for your seat. Don’t eat too much, coz the hotpot’s waiting for you too! And rumours have it that if you makan lots of the snacks and decide not to wait anymore, you just have a free dinner (from the snacks, of course). Just saying, you know. Just saying. There’s free food in Singapore after all.

Wah, I think I’m in love with this place again right now. How about you?