10 habits you should really break when you’re reaching your 20s


Last Updated on 2016-09-25 , 11:41 am

You’ve just turned 19. You spent the day as you always would with a piping hot cup of Caramel Macchiato in the morning. You walked around the neighbourhood aimlessly for a few hours. After chatting time in the evening, you’re back at home for dinner and Orange is the New Black.

It’s just another regular day. Yet every night, you’re thinking of how you should change. By the time you sleep, you’ve forgotten about the goals you made an hour ago, and it’s back to the same old cycle.

Here are 10 things you oughta change while you can.

Swiping Your Debit Card
Yes, you’re privileged to get an allowance from dad every month. That doesn’t mean that you have to absolutely spend every penny out of it. Reduce your window shopping escapades, and you’ll be able to save some cash.

Cut Down on Streaming Dramas at Night
Yes, Daredevil has got you hooked onto Netflix. You’re awake until 4am thanks to that. Repeat after me instead. Sleep is good for you. Your body and mind need it. So just plug out your earphones and snore to glory be.

Floss Your Teeth
Every 6 months, you dread heading over to the dentist. You know you’re about to be told off yet again for not flossing.Do you seriously want to live with cavities and spaced out teeth?  Start flossing, please!

Cut Down On Your Texts
Yes, you have a chat group on WhatsApp with mum, dad and your little brother. Make a change to call them once in awhile. It’s refreshing and uplifting to hear a person’s voice instead of viewing how they feel through emoticons.

Sleeping Past Noon
Having no classes on Tuesday morning is no excuse for you to sleep until 12.30pm. Get your lazy ass up and exercise or read a book instead!

Don’t Post Every Single Thing Online
Do you really have to tweet about every tiny thing? Keep some bits of information about yourself to yourself. It’s nice to be dark and mysterious instead of a Jack-in-the-Box that’s right in someone’s face.

Chasing after the MRT
Shame on you. Get up earlier and get to the station on time.

Stalking People on Facebook
Yes, you’re still checking out that old pal from school whom you’ve had a spat with. Let old feelings die and move on with life. I’m sure he did.

Shopping for Snacks While You’re Hungry
Don’t we all know the ending to THIS story?

Too Shy to Ask for Help
It’s alright to speak up and get help from someone. Don’t forget to thank them for their help when you’ve gotten what you needed.

Always remember that your life resets every morning as you wake up, so always use that as an opportunity to change yourself. Maturity, after all, doesn’t happen overnight. And it’s the small steps that truly count.

Top Image: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.com
