10 little known reasons why committed couples no longer show off their love anymore

Last Updated on 2016-05-18 , 3:46 pm

Have you ever had a relationship that became very dull after few years down the road? These are the 10 little known reasons why committed couples no longer show off their love anymore.

Past the Honeymoon Period
This is what most couples go through in their relationship. When they started out together, they are very loving, giving each other surprises, posing for lots of “wefies” and posting all sorts of lovey dovey status updates on Facebook. This is during the so-called honeymoon period, but after a few months, things like this will be lesser and lesser daily.

We can’t avoid arguments when we’re in a relationship, we will always have different opinions at some point of time, and this is where the problem starts. Every argument between couples causes the relationship to become more “breakable” each time, they tend to feel sick and tired of the different thinking that they have, and start to wonder whether the other party is actually the right person to be with.

They are always occupied with work, and eventually they will have lesser time for each other. Couples will start to prioritize their jobs over the relationship, unlike the past, when one party will take sick leave just to spend time with the other.

Mixing with different people
Different kinds of people come and go from our lives daily, we can’t predict who we’re going to meet every single day, and this is one of the reasons why relationships start to become dull. Sometimes you will get very close with your colleagues, having dinner with them almost every night, talking about work, and that’s when you have lesser time for your partner.

Trying too hard
I’m sure there are times when you or your partner tries to find the “old feeling” back together, and both of you will not be able to find it back. Feelings come naturally, just like during the honeymoon period, couples don’t have to find the correct feeling to be sweet and loving to each other, it just come naturally, so when you’re actually trying to find that feeling back, you’ll be much more disappointed when you can’t find it.

Used to each other’s presence
When couples meet up every night for dinner, or meet up for movie dates during their off days, seeing each other 7 days a week for 365 days will make couples get too used to each other’s presence, and when the time comes, there’ll always a question being raised by one party, “Are we in love, or are we just too used to each other’s presence?”

Leaving/avoiding the problem
When problems start arising in a relationship, the key between a relationship that works out and one that does not is how they solve the problems. A relationship that will work out is when both parties try to find a solution when problems arise, and making sure that they fix everything right. Some couples will leave or avoid the problem just because they can’t find a solution to it, and when they avoid the problem, they know in their hearts that something is not solved, and that empty feeling makes the relationship “jammed”.

Growing up
As we grow up, our mindset starts to change, and we start to have a different view of life. Growing up actually is one of the reasons why couples stopped becoming sweet-loving. When they have a different perspective of life, they think differently and do things differently, and when they realised what is happening, the common phrase that will surface is “You’ve changed.”

The thought of marrying your partner is as terrifying as watching a horror movie because of many reasons. You’re afraid that he/she will changed into a different person after marriage, you’re afraid to be tied down because of marriage and so many other reasons. Relationships will start to get dull when your mind starts to question yourself, “Is he/she the right one?”

Not accepting who they really are
There are always some factors to look for when we’re searching for our boyfriend/girlfriend, such as big eyes, long hair, or things like this. But many couples stopped becoming loving because they start to see the bad points of their partner, and they are unable to accept it. They realise that the handsome looking guy that they are together with is actually a hardcore drinker, they realise that the gorgeous lady that they are in love with actually have a very lazy and stubborn personality.