10 realest reasons why girls are attracted to a man who can play an instrument

Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 2:40 pm

Think saxophone, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, pianos, drums. These are the instruments that women swoon over when men play them. Are women attracted to these instrument players? Well, given the hype and amount of love Kurt Cobain got or how Lenny Kravitz melted women’s heart with his saxophone solo, you’d want to agree. Or perhaps you can imagine the girls swarming around Justin Bieber when he performed with the guitar. It is scientifically proven that this cliché is true, and here are our 10 realest reasons why girls are attracted to a man who can play an instrument.

It boosts their sex appeal
Of course, this is the main reason – a guitar may even have the power to transform an undesirable geek into a god! Men simply look hot playing instruments, and women love how they serious they look while strumming that chord.

He’s a creative soul
Musically inclined people are creative souls. Music is a form of art and people who do arts are creative, right?

It’s cool and fun
The whole badass ‘rockstar’ thing really works if they’re playing an electric instrument or the drums. He’ll also look like a hopeless romantic even when he plays the saxophone. Women find it cool and intriguing, it also shows that he is fun to hang with.

It’s impressive
It’s impressive even if he only plays a riff or two. They can totally ‘Wow’ women with their amazing guitar solos.

Teach women how to play
If the guy is an awesome instrument player, chances are that women also wish he can teach her how to play.

Intellectual ability
Being an instrument player enhances their intellectual ability, or what women perceives as a talent. It’s a skill that makes any guy stand out from the crowd apart from regular people.

You rarely see an amazing instrument player with no self-confidence. Self- confidence is another element that boosts his attractiveness.

It shows his sensitive side
Playing music for a girl is generally considered an act of romance. Music also reveals their softness at heart.

It speaks about their passion
Women are usually attracted to men who are passionate and pursues what he likes. Just like ‘how a picture can speak a thousand words’ – men who play the different instruments, it can speak a lot about his character.

Music connects people
Often than not we hear the phrase ‘music speaks when words fail.’ It connects people in unimaginable ways and people always find themselves friends with those who have the same music taste. That is why guys will instantly attract girls if they play the song of their likes.