10 reasons why cooking with your bae is the best date ever


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 11:27 am

Singapore is riddled with fantastic restaurants and cafes and there’s just a unique touch to almost each outlet.  It makes it really hard to decide on a place to dine with your bae.

What if I told you that there’s another spot you should try out? This place won’t cost you more than a hundred dollars. You won’t need to make a reservation or queue for a table. And you can spend the entire evening there with your bae. Even right up to midnight and beyond.

Where’s this place? It’s at your very own apartment. Have a dinner date at home with your girl. I guarantee you that it’s gonna be the best date in your life.

Here’s 10 reasons why.

You Get to Decide What You Want to Have
Plan a day ahead and pick your respective appetizers, mains and desserts. You could also switch it up and pick each other’s courses!  All you need is a Google search tab, and you’re good to go.

Grocery Shopping Together
Head on to the market or Fairprice in the morning. Pick out the freshest produce, even if it costs you a few cents more. Don’t forget to have the ingredients list on standby. This is going to be so much fun!

Dressing Up Comfortably
She can wear her sexy shorts and tank top while she works. Aren’t you glad that you can leave your stubble on for a change?

Cook Together as a Team
She’ll keep an eye on the mushroom sauce will you grill the chicken pieces. You chop the veggies, and she’ll get the cooking done. It’s a win-win situation, really.

Improve Your Cooking Techniques
You know how your bae is the fairy godmother of food and all. As you cook together, she’ll teach you how to toss a salad, make a vinaigrette and even bake molten lava chocolate cake. Or, you both can learn from Google together.

Try New Foods at Home
Your dinner date consists of a fresh sphere of burrata on a rocket/tomato salad. Time to learn what all the rage about this baby is.

Bottomless Drinks
You could both get a few bottles of wine and enjoy it at home (no corkage fee, Hooray!), or go for a homemade iced lemon tea option.

Have Fun Setting the Table
Surprise your bae with a gift at the table or a set of homemade quiz cards about the two of you to spice up the evening. Pick out her favorite flowers and set it at the center of the table. Go all crazy with candles everywhere and lose the lights.

No Need to Rush Through Dinner
You’ve got no other plans, other than spending some quality time together. So savor each bite and smile.

Feed Each Other
There’s nothing more intimate than sharing bites of your dessert with her, and having her do the same for you.

Top Image: crazystocker / Shutterstock.com
