10 reasons for singles to be happy about being forever alone


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 11:27 am

Are you single? Are you beating yourself up because you can’t seem to find the right person while all your friends are getting hitched? We don’t blame you because in Singapore today, the first thing people infer when they know you’re single is: what’s wrong with you. And we totally get you.

This article isn’t meant to discourage you from getting into a relationship, but hey, if you’re in between partners at the moment, or just waiting for the right one to come along, there’s no need to beat yourself up. Here are 10 reasons for singles to be happy about being forever alone.

Having more money for yourself
You no longer have to feel pressured to buy gifts for your partner or treat them to a meal, thereby saving yourself money! More money for yourself = More happiness for yourself!

Doing whatever you want, whenever you want
Want to go for a spontaneous backpacking trip? Want to do something crazy and fun? Well it’s so much easier without having to tell your partner about your schedule or worrying about them wanting to spend time with you.

You can go the whole day alone without feeling guilty
Ever have those days when you just don’t feel like to talking to anybody and want to isolate yourself from the rest of the world? You don’t have to worry about being obliged to reply to someone and just spend some time with yourself.

Less pressure to look good
Admit it. You always worry about whether you look good enough for your partner and not having one solves this problem. You can wear anything you want and dress like a crazy hobo and be perfectly happy doing so.

No need to keep track of milestones constantly
You don’t have to worry about weeksaries, monthsaries, anniversaries, or getting thrashed verbally for forgetting them. Who has time for those anyway?

Checking people out without the guilt
There is no shortage of attractive people out there, and when you’re single, checking cute people out is much more acceptable and fun.

Having more time for yourself
You don’t have to split your time between you and your partner. The time is all yours for you to enjoy and use! Pamper yourself and do what you like without feeling guilty.

Having more time for your friends
What’s life without partying and fun with your friends? If you’re single, it means you can go out with your friends more without worrying about whether you’re neglecting your other half.

No need to constantly consider someone else’s opinions
When you’re not sharing your life with someone else, you get to make the decisions without having to ask for someone’s approval or views. It makes you feel much more liberated and independent!

Being able to focus on other things
Without a relationship to tie you down, you’re free to explore other things, to focus on your future and your directions in life. You can concentrate on your studies, your career, or whatever big thing is happening in your life at the moment. Seems pretty good to me.

Top Image: LOFTFLOW / Shutterstock.com