10 hidden benefits of sleeping early besides having enough energy for the next day

Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:27 pm

Sleep, it’s good for you. However, there’s a difference between sleeping early and sleeping late. Studies have shown that people who sleep late are creative and smarter. But while you are cheering for the excuse of getting to sleep late again tonight, you might want to rethink the choice of getting ample rest.

Healthy skin
While you rest at night, your body works itself to repair old cells and replacing them with new, healthy cells. This may be the reason why you’ll wake up looking more refreshed every morning. This, in the long run, results in you having healthier complexion instead of dark eye circles around your tired eyes or breaking out from the lack of sleep.

You get along better with people
Having enough rest means a non-grumpy you right? Studies have shown that people who wake up with a full night of rest carry a more positive and happy attitude.

Weight loss
People who stayed up later at night tends to snack out even when they aren’t completely hungry. Grabbing your pillow instead of that potato chips can prevent you from gaining the extra weight that you would not want. Besides, sleeping literally means that you won’t be spending the time munching. That’s one way to lose weight!

More energy
A full 8 hours of sleep ensures you a positive attitude, but that’s not all. The next time you wake up from a good night’s rest, you’ll find you have more energy to get through the day and be more productive. You’ll be happy, your boss will be happy, everyone will be happy! Sleeping in doesn’t mean more energy, the trick is to sleep early. Now you know why some of your friends still wake up more tired than before they went to bed!

Clearer thinking
Studies have shown that people think more clearly and make better decisions when they catch enough sleep. People with lesser sleep tend to be more blur and has a higher tendency to make mistakes when sleep-deprived. Now you got to think twice before deciding to burn the midnight oil and catching lesser sleep before an exam!

Stronger immunity
People who sleep earlier equals healthier people, literally! Studies were made and results showed that people who got lesser sleep are at a higher risk of getting affected by viruses by at least three times compared to a person who got enough rest.

Less nightmares
This is good news for all. Who like nightmares right? Sleeping earlier instead of immediately after a late-night snack results in a non-disturbed rest as your brain is less active. Diving into bed after a meal while your metabolism is still working, triggers your brain to be more active which leads to more thoughts and imagination and in turn, nightmares.

Better memory
Have you ever been asked “What did you had for dinner last night?” and you completely can’t remember? Well, its a sign for you to get more shut-eye as more sleep allows you to catch up on rest and for your brain to do a better job in storing memories both long-term and short-term.

Less body aches
Having less sleep would allow you to obtain more time awake but ultimately, take a toll on you physically. When you reject sleep when your body is tired, the body would slowly break down and be more vulnerable to tensions resulting in headaches and body aches. This would decrease your productivity as well.

Change in voice
Believe it or not, you’ll discover that people who sleep late are getting raspy voices from the lack of rest. Starting from rough voices, this habit of getting less sleep will slowly change their voice due to the fluid caused by the tissues in the throat during sleep.