10 reasons why a mummy’s boy is the best boyfriend ever


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:37 pm

Most of us don’t have a very good impression of mummy’s boys; they’re clingy, rely on their mother for everything and seem to be unable to do anything properly on their own. What you don’t know, is that you, the girlfriend, have the potential power to usurp the position of queen in his life, and he’s gonna wait on you hand and foot forever. Here are 10 reasons why you might want to do so.

You’ll never be insecure
He’s going to be calling and texting you every day, since he probably calls and texts his mum every day. You’ll always know where he is and what he’s doing, and never need to sneakily check his mobile phone.

He’ll never let you down
Since all mummy’s boys have a fear of letting their mother down, once you’ve become the woman in their lives they’re not going to let you down either.

You’ll always be in control
He will always give in to you like he never defies his mum because he can never bear to do or say anything, even if he’s not the guilty party. Know this and exploit it to your fullest.

You don’t need to sugarcoat your words
While most other men are going to need a bit of molly-cuddling and tender loving care from time to time to protect their over-inflated ego, you don’t need to hold back against your mummy’s boy boyfriend. He’s used to being insulted by his mother anyway.

He’ll surprise you all the time
Since he buys or perhaps even makes stuff for his mother all the time, you can expect small love notes, fresh flowers and maybe a bit of breakfast in the morning when you wake up.

You’ll get praise all the time
Now that you’ve become the central figure, he’s going to be comparing everything else to you and commenting on how much better you would have done.

He’ll protect you to the ends of the earth
Nobody insults their mother. Once you’ve taken over, he will scrap tooth and nail to defend your honour, because he will not stand for anything that desecrates your purity.

You’ll be first priority all the time
Better than having platinum membership, you’ll always get first priority or jump queues if you need him to do something for you. No advanced booking needed, 24/7/365.

You’ll never lose an argument
In the rare circumstance where you two argue, he’ll always give in first because he simply cannot lose the one woman he has revolved his life around.

He’ll never be unfaithful
You can be sure no other woman will hit on him, because nobody is going to be interested. You’re the only one.

Top Image: Jakub Zak / Shutterstock.com