10 ridiculously honest reasons why we hate going out with calculative friends


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

We love hanging out with our friends. Honestly, who doesn’t? Time with them, especially the really close ones, can help us get our minds away from the stresses of the day and make us feel that much happier.

But then, we also know of some friends we will rather not hang out with and one of them will be the calculative ones. They seem to just make our day even worse with this irritating character of theirs. So exactly what are the true blue reasons we seriously hate about going out with people like that?

They literally calculate every single thing
A group of you decide to meet for a meal and everyone is happy until Mr/Ms Calculative picks up the tab and makes everyone pay him/her back the exact amount, no more, no less. Yes, down to the cent.

And if someone says that they don’t have coins, this idiot will insist that he/she gets the exact amount so everyone else has to start taking out the coins in their pocket. Time wasted, everyone gets frustrated and pissed off, and a perfectly good outing is ruined.

Late one second also cannot
That’s the “beauty” of calculative people. They don’t give any leeway, not even when it comes to time. Sometimes we casually make jokes about the latecomers paying for a meal but when they eventually show up just a few minutes late, we let them off the hook.

But not for calculative people. They didn’t get that term tagged on them for nothing. Even being late for a second is good enough reason for you to buy that meal and they mean business. They will keep hounding the late-comer for it until the person gives in. And yes, they don’t care if it spoils the mood of the rest of the group. They got what they wanted.*facepalm*

They take tit for tat very literally
I mean sure, if someone offends you, it’s a natural reaction to want to do the same back to them. Most of us usually just shrug it off if it’s a small thing but calculative people take it to the extreme. So basically, if you accidentally smack them on their arm, they will do the same back to you, regardless of whether you did it on purpose or not. These people don’t listen to reason and they probably never will.

They compare everything
These people do the nastiest comparisons. They think they have got it all down pat for every single occasion. So say you have a wedding held at a pretty nice location but you are doing lunch buffet style. Based on their calculations, since it’s lunch and buffet style at that, they will only give you a $30 red packet because according to them, “it’s a buffet lunch. How expensive can it be?”

Even though they are calculative with you, you cannot do the same to them
A classic example of pot calling the kettle black. Yet, they still think that what they are doing is right. To these people, being calculative to others around them is fine. But when the tables are turned, they get riled up and will still have the guts to say things like, “Eh! Why you so calculative one?”

They have all sorts of excuses to defend themselves
When you comment about how calculative they are, these people will have a hundred and one reasons to protect themselves. Some classic ones include, “No la, I’m not being calculative. I just don’t want to later on then ask you all back for money again. Very paiseh one leh.” Or “Aiya I’m trying to save money mah. Nowadays everything so expensive, even miss out one or two cents also money leh.”

Seriously, you just want to slap them.

They can make you seem like the bad guy
So you are the only one who doesn’t have the exact change to pay Mr/Ms Calculative after a meal so you went to buy something just to have the change for him/her.

And then when the rest of your friends remark that much precious time has been wasted because of that, Mr/Ms Calculative chimes in and says things like, “Ya! He didn’t need to run all over just for the change. Just pay me back the next time we meet it’s fine.” Goodness, now who’s the Satan here?

They actually count the number of times you tripped out and call you out on that
And I’m not talking about telling you off. They will literally do the same thing back to you and tell you the reason they are not turning up is because you did the same. And they will do it according to the number of times you did. Because they are just so damn calculative.

They can divide up your friends too
Not cause a rift, no no. But what they can do is segregate your group of friends into “these are my friends and those are your friends”. You still hang out as a group but this person will continuously re-emphasize on who is whose friends. For what reason, I have no idea.


Everything should be done for their benefit first
Yes, whatever activities you guys engage in, it has to benefit Mr/Ms Calculative or else, it just “isn’t worth it” and you have to pay them back for “damages”. Seriously, who will want to hang out with someone like that?

Top Image: miya227 / Shutterstock.com