10 shits we all remember about our white shoes during pri & sec sch

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:37 pm

I’m not sure about students nowadays, but back in my days, everyone had to wear white shoes. If you move from velcro ones to the shoelaces one, you’ve gone one level up. If you move from Bata to Converse, you would just be one step away from adulthood.

But these white shoes…they were a pain in the ass. Don’t agree? Well, well, well…

It has to be white. Completely white
You can’t have one with a Hello Kitty logo there. It has to be completely white. There’s no negotiation—it’s absolute.

It has to be paired with white socks
As if white shoes aren’t bad enough, you need to pair it with white socks. It’s so white, I can’t even.

Walking on grass or mud meant GG
I don’t think I need to elaborate on this, right? We all have this experience when we try to avoid the grass only to have stepped on some damn mud. #truestory

It gets spoilt easily
I’m pretty sure a Nike or an Adidas would be able to last longer. But there’re no branded shoes that are completely white, so we’ll have to make do with changing them every six months.

The white socks get dirty easily as well
And trust me, it’s not easy to get stains off white socks. You should be contented with a pair of yellowed ones.

When they’re new, everyone knows. You stand out and teachers notice you
Because it’s just too damn white, and everyone would be going, “Wah, so rich, new shoes?” Anyway, it’ll only be new for one day.

When you have dark-coloured uniform…
…and you’ve got white shoes. I’m pretty sure fashion police has never approved white shoes.

You need to wash them at least once a week
Take a look at your current shoes. How often do you wash them? Once a month? Once a year? Or you’ve never washed them before?
For white shoes, the minimum is once a week…if it doesn’t rain that week. On a rainy season, it can be once a day. #FML

Washing white shoes isn’t just about washing white shoes
You don’t just spray water on them—after you’re done, you need to “Kiwi” them. Like, seriously.

The white shoelaces are a pain in the ass
Because no matter how you wash them, they’ll still remain dirty. The solution has always been to buy many shoelaces and change them when you need to.

Top Image: mypokcik / Shutterstock.com