10 signs that you’ve become an adult without knowing it


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

The thought of being an adult as a kid was pretty much every child’s dream. Then reality comes and slaps us on the face when we finally have to face the world like one. Suddenly, being an adult becomes a living nightmare. Even so, being an adult means that at times, we don’t feel like we’re actually doing it right. I mean, how do you know when you’re actually an adult? I know I’m an adult but am I ‘adult-ing’ right? Lucky for you, here’s 10 indications that show you’re a full-fledged adult without you knowing it.

What’s cool? Don’t know, don’t care
You are no longer into trends and fads because you know they never last and it’s a waste of time and sometimes also, money. You realize doing what other people are doing or buying what other people have is just silly.

Goodbye, crazy weekends
You would rather not waste your Fridays and weekends socializing with people you don’t even like, getting drunk and waking up with a terrible hangover which will now take you two days to recover from. None of that anymore. You’d rather have lunch dates with friends and chill at home. Yay, Netflix!

Hello Sleep, my best friend
You take back everything you said about hating sleep when you were a kid and relish at the thought of afternoon naps. Sigh. Weekend mornings are now spent staying in bed a few extra hours and it’s the most productive thing on your ‘Adult To-Do-List’!

Debt, debt, debt
Ah, yes. The ugly side of being an adult. We can’t have it all, that’s why there are loans and credit cards. Sucks.

You become more calculative when it comes to buying something
You start weighing the pros and cons of something before spending money on it. From the benefits, to the function, to its practicality, to the way it matches the colour of your walls. You take note of everything.

You save money for practical things
Yep. You actually start saving money for the future like your upcoming wedding, a long-planned vacation, your future child’s education, your medical expenses etc. You know times are hard so having savings as such is very crucial for you.

New furniture and kitchen appliances make you a happy-child
So being in an IKEA store will actually make you feel like you’re in Disneyland. It’s every adult’s playground, that’s for sure.

Skin care becomes an essential part of your life
Sigh. Suddenly your morning and night routine involves very specific procedures from washing your face, toning and moisturizing. Then there’s also the regular facial appointments. Do I see a wrinkle?! *gasp*

Your parents are now your good friends
You might had some (or a lot) of disagreements in the past with your parents when you were an angry angsty teen but you suddenly find yourself forming a special friendship with them. You can now have great conversations with them and surprisingly, you love their company as well.

You finally understand what your parents mean when they told you, “Wait until you’re older, then you’ll understand”.
Yea, that time our parents said that to us, we’re just like “Whatever”. Sigh. I get it now and for being the difficult child I was, this is my punishment as an adult.

Top Image: liza54500 / Shutterstock.com