11 snacks you should NEVER makan if you want to lose weight


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

On a diet, since like, forever? If you just can’t seem to shed the kilograms, you might be snacking way too much for your own good. Some snacks make you pile on the calories like crazy even though they don’t look like it – small definitely doesn’t equate to harmless. Look out for the top 10 snacks below to avoid like the plague if you want to reach your ideal weight quickly!

Calbee Jagabee
This addictive snack might only be 18g or 40g, depending on the serving you picked, but it definitely packs a punch. Potatoes are carbohydrates, so that means that you are going to be piling on the weight even after one pack.

Instant noodles
Just because most of this consists of soup, doesn’t mean that it’s a healthier snacking option. One pack of instant noodles will give you 380 calories.

Well, this really depends. Home-made popcorn with only a little bit of sugar or salt is considered okay and not too unhealthy. However, Garrett’s popcorn or movie popcorn is another matter altogether. One small bag could cost you 630 calories and 50g of fats.

Surprised to see a fruit here? This delicious fruit gives you a whopping 332 calories per avocado. That takes you about 4.8km of running to burn.

Don’t go nuts over them, because they have proven to have super high calories per gram. A tiny 28g cup of nuts has over 200 calories. It’s not worth it to eat something to crunch on in your free time!

Did you know that croissants are almost 100% butter? That’s what gives them their lightweight texture. Butter = fats fats fats. Don’t be tricked by the croissants’ thin texture.

Peanut butter
Even eating a slice of bread with two spoonfuls of peanut butter is going to waste all that sit-ups you just did. Aside from the bread carbs, you get 192 calories just for the peanut butter spread.

Dark Chocolate
Yes, it’s healthy but don’t try and convince yourself to finish off an entire bar. Some bars have as much as 600 calories, which will take you hours to work off in the gym. Not worth it, in our opinion.

Do we really need to spell this out? Creamy, sweet and cold. This means that this sinful dessert piles on the fats and calories, while its temperature can slow down your digestion rate in your body, turning more of it into fats to be stored.

Potato chips
Love your Ruffles or Lays? Stay away from them. Just one pack will give you 160 calories, which needs 42 minutes of walking to burn off. And nope, the walk to the mama shop to buy the chips is not going to do the job.

Lastly, why are you even eating snacks?
If you want to lose weight, just eat your full three meals and avoid snacking.

Top Image:  Igor Dutina / Shutterstock