10 S’pore Dishes That Went Overseas & Sold At Sky-High Prices

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 , 10:30 am

More often than not, we will always miss the taste of ‘home’ when we venture overseas.

To be exact, Singaporean food.

There are several Singaporeans staying abroad who miss the taste of ‘home’ so much, they decided to sell their favourite dishes so that more Singaporeans can enjoy.

At the same time, it is also a great way to introduce our small island to foreigners! I mean, who doesn’t like food?

But there is just one thing…these people are selling at sky high prices.

If you’re not prepared to mend the hole in your pocket, I would strongly suggest you stay away from these temptations.

But of course, we’ve got to understand that it’s usually not that the dishes are expensive overseas; it’s that food in Singapore is rather affordable due to hawker centres and kopitiams.

But nevertheless, here you go.

Nasi Lemak

A Nasi Lemak sold in a restaurant in China costs RMB30 (S$6.30).

To be honest, it’s not that hard to find a Nasi Lemak store that sells twice the amount at half the price in Singapore.

Kaya Toast

Many tourists know that Kaya is a must-buy when visiting Singapore, but not everyone knows how to eat it!

The popularity of this widely-loved spread has (more or less) got to do with the giant chain, Ya Kun.

I bet all of you guys reading now have tried their Kaya Toast at least once.

If you haven’t…then it’s time you should…

Among the huge number of branches all over the world, Ya Kun has three outlets in Melbourne.

But to our fellow Singaporean friends in Melbourne who just want a bite of the crunchy toast, I’m sorry to say that you’ll have to fork out a ‘hefty’ A$3.20 (S$3.30) for just two pieces.

If you’re feeling like it and/or just received your pay check, then you should go for the Set B.

It comes with the cup of traditional coffee and also not one, but two soft-boiled eggs. The set costs A$6.80 (S$6.85).

Gotta be honest here, if it was me, I would just buy some instant coffee mix and cook my egg on my own.

But I’ll probably still buy the Kaya toasts cos nobody can do that easily, y’know?

Chili Crab

A restaurant in Osaka sells Chili Crabs in plates that are evidently much larger and charge S$80 for it.

FYI it’s just one crab okay.

Roti Prata

Roti Prata is like a comfort food. You can eat it anytime, for whatever the occasion (or lack thereof).

It is indeed not easy to find good pratas even in Singapore, let alone all around the world.

On the other side of the world, there is a quiet Malaysian basement restaurant in London that sells quality pratas.

A typical Singaporean will first be shocked at this varieties of pratas they have, and then be shocked again at their price.

Let take the most basic one for example.

Two plain pratas with curry dhal costs £5 (S$9.20).

And if you want some murtabak to go with it, that’ll be another whopping £5.50 (S$9.90).

But I guess many are able to overcome the shock pretty well, cos even the Singapore UK Association encourages people to visit outside of peak hours (1pm-7pm).


Let’s admit it, no matter how many times we tell ourselves to walk away from the temptation, we always end up buying satay at East Coast Park.

That aroma is just! too! irresistable!

Situated in Montreal, Canada, a store sells legit satay sticks.

One stick costs CAD$2.75 (S$2.80), while three sticks cost CAD$7 (S$7.20).

To be fair, Singaporeans who went there said that the meat is about three times that of those in Singapore.

Now that sounds like a deal…

Char Kway Teow

Although hawker food can be quite oily sometimes, we all grew up eating them and they have inevitably became a part of our lives.

Especially in Western countries, when you want a quick hot meal, you’re most likely going to end up at the convenience store or a fast food restaurant.

And that’s when you’ll miss your oily hawker food.

Here in Toronto, Canada, you can get a Char Kway Teow at CAD$7 (S$7.20).

There are only two outcomes : you get to satisfy your cravings at a hefty price, or the price drives you away to (hopefully) healthier food. Because just to shock you a little, a plate of char kway teow can have more than 700 calories.

Chicken Rice

Everybody knows Taiwan is the epitome of night markets and you’ll never finish eating everything.

But there are just some people who might suddenly crave for Hainanese Chicken Rice.

So much so that they’ll be willing to pay NTD250 (S$11) for a plate of chicken rice, kiam chye, pig liver and fishball soup.

Even when food prices are already so low in Taiwan.

This is when you’ll realise it’s true love.

Bak Kut Teh

To be fair, this restaurant in Japan that sell Bak Kut Teh was opened by a Japanese.

He loved it so much, he spent 3 years tasting all kind of Bak Kut Teh.

So I guess he probably assumed others have the same manifesting love towards the dish.

A delicious bowl of Bak Kut Teh, along with a choice of either fried fritters, rice or noodles, cost ¥980 (S$11.90) in his cosy restaurant.

You’ll probably feel colder when you drink the broth.


Quite similar to Satay, the smell of grilled Otah is really captivating, especially those little vendors outside of the MRT station. After a long and tiring day at work/school and you walk past this delicious aroma…

Okay back to topic.

An Otah is being sold for S$3.60 in London.

My heart is breaking for Otah-lovers.


My relatives overseas always ask me to help them buy Laksa maggie mee.

Well, it would certainly save me a ton of luggage space if they could find a Laksa store anywhere within a 100km radius from where they live.

But nope, there isn’t.

Meanwhile, those in Mississauga, Canada are probably sneakily laughing cos a Laksa costs CND9.95 (S$10.20).

All in all, it is extremely easy to take for granted the accessible hawker centres, food courts etc that we have around us (some of them are even 24/7), but at the end of the day, treasure what you have, people.

There are Singaporeans out there who are living the life where a bowl of Laksa is a luxury.