10 stupid and hilarious mistakes all NSFs would have made on enlistment day

Last Updated on 2017-08-15 , 5:07 pm

Ah, the first day of enlistment. It’s a day filled with memories that stay with us forever—especially memories of those silly things we’ve done. After all, most of us would have a serious culture shock on the first day, so that’s why instructors are technically not supposed to punish us on the first few days.

If you’ve been through BMT before, do you remember all these stupid mistakes you’ve made?

Decorating your cupboard as if it’s yours
…only to realise later that only the drawer is yours. The rest of the cupboard is for standby bed.

Calling sergeants “Bro”
If not, what to call them? Sergeant?

Taking your own sweet time to have your dinner
Because mealtimes are the only time when you don’t feel rushed, right? Wrong, my dear recruit.

Thinking that you can really play basketball at the basketball court
After all, the instructors did tell all visitors that when recruits are free, they can have a game there, right? So far, in the history of BMT, I think no recruit has ever bounced a ball there.

Waiting for your hair to dry before you sleep
Come on lah, don’t tell me you’re already used to your botak head on the first day.

Doing everything in slow motion
Because that’s how you used to do things. Doing things fast suddenly become tedious.

Collecting the wrong size for your uniform / shoes and not having the guts to tell the instructors
Because the instructors seem like they’ll kill anyone who talks to them. You’ll just wait until your first book out to buy the correct size in e-mart.

Chit-chatting while marching
Soon, we realise we need to “go KTV” instead of chit-chat while marching.

Wearing the wrong clothing together as a section
Instructed to fall in in admin? No one knows what “admin” is until one joker who wants to go to OCS says that it’s home clothes and jeans, and so everyone in the section wears the same thing…and then kana F upside down by the instructor (who, trust me, will go back into the office to have a good laugh after that).

Thinking that the Gore-Tex jacket = Long 4, and the Number 4 = Smart 4
Because the Gore-Tex jacket is bigger and longer, so it should be called Long 4 right?

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com