10 confusing things girls say when they’re angry and what they really mean


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:42 pm

Girls are very powerful creatures. They have you wrapped around their pinkie, and they have the amazing ability to make you go huh! Just like guys, girls may say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment, and because of that, the guys are, more often than not, confused and wondering what they did to make the situation even worse.

Here’s 10 things girls say when they’re furious and what they really mean. Have you kena any of them before?

Don’t talk to me again
It’s your fault. I don’t want to hear your excuses nor am I interested in your apology. That’s what we guys think is going on. What she really wants is to hear you grovel until she satisfied with you again. Do it. It will make the whole thing blow over that much faster. If you really leave, she’s not going to talk to you. Ever.

Go away / go home
She’s so mad that she sent you packing. BUT you’re not supposed to leave. Even if she pushes you out the door, you’re supposed to at least pretend to wait at the door, saying you don’t want to leave.

I’ll go home myself
She’s pissed off with you when she says she’ll go home by herself. Here’s what you have to do when she says this: just insist on sending her anyway. If she walked away, just follow her quietly, like a stalker.

I won’t go out with you anymore
She says this after a day out with you because she’s pissed as hell. Good thing is, this is not true. Bad thing is, you have to find out what you did wrong and fix it as soon as possible. Or it’ll become a reality.

Don’t call me
Yea, the don’t-bother-with-me-since-you-don’t-care thing. She’s saying it like she doesn’t want to hear your voice or see you. You really have to call her back, even if she hang up for 20 times. She’ll probably pick it up and hear you out on your 21st try because, effort mah.

The loud and sarcastic ‘IT’S FINE’ all boyfriends around the world are used to. If you don’t get that she is about to stab someone a million times and burn them, then you’re in deep trouble. Dude, she’s not fine at all.

I don’t care
She wants you to think that she’s all good, she doesn’t care because she’s got bigger things to worry about and you’re a measly little rat who don’t deserve her attention. What she really means: She cares too much and now she feels hurt about what you did. Fix it.

Wow let me clap for you
She wants to applaud you for what you’ve done because you’re such a smart-ass. What she meant is: loser.

I hope you’re happy
No, she don’t want you to be. She wants you to be as miserable as she is feeling right now, so no celebrating in front of her or anything like that, alright?

The unexpected erupting volcano

image: thoughtcatalog.com

If you stop the “innocent little good morning routine,” you’re so dead.

Top Image: Rachata Teyparsit / Shutterstock.com