10 Things to Include in a Resume to Secure a Job Interview

We all remember the time when our graduation celebrations were over, and how tough it was to snag that very first job.

You’ve sent resumes to tons of companies. Yet more than half of the applications you sent out didn’t even return so much as an email, even more so a phone call for an interview.

Image: mymemes.biz

You started wondering if there’s something wrong with you.

Or is it your CV? Well, you might be right, just there.

Here are 10 things you could add to spruce up your CV and give you a better shot at a job.

Better to know now than never, right?

1. Get Your Terms Right

There’s a bunch of words (a whole list, in fact!) that stick out like a sore thumb in CVs.

Interviewers detest reading these following phrases in your resume, and then some. Things like synergy, strategic thinker, best of the breed, self-motivated, think outside of the box and the classic; the go-getter.

Image: knowyourmeme.com

Instead, opt for these alternatives instead. Achieved, influenced, launched, negotiated, improved, mentored, resolved and of course, won.

You’ll have a better fighting chance simply by using the right words at the right time!

2. Your LinkedIn URL

Image: career.du.edu

LinkedIn is essentially the social media for employers and employees alike, and it helps the company’s HR staff understand you better based on your profile too.

Consider this as a supplement to your CV, one which can give a better perspective of where you are in the professional field.

Just include your LinkedIn URL in your application and who knows, you might just start getting replies today.

Of course, it goes without saying your LinkedIn profile must look impressive too.

3. A Power-Packed Summary

The summary of your career in your CV can make or break that opportunity at landing a job.

Add a job title for the position you’re after, and ensure that this is customized based on the job you’re applying for at each company.

Do not write in fragments of sentences; go for the full deal.

Also, instead of using corporate jargon, stick to simple and powerful points.

4. Your Accomplishments vs The Usual Job Role Description

A lot of people made this mistake before. Companies are interested in what I used to do before so they can be assured that I’m experienced in the job scope.

So I’ll put in my usual job role description. True?

Maybe not.

Accomplishments are the stars you have up your sleeves. Make sure to make these achievements shine brightly.

Image: knowyourmeme.com

Instead of talking about the role you used to work for, explain about the extras that made you stand out while you were working in a particular segment.

5. Have a Proper Email Address

Sure, the one you’ve been using all this while was [email protected] or [email protected]. Or worse, [email protected].

Get yourself a proper email handle, and it’ll be best with your name on it.

Chances are that the interviewer will take your application more seriously instead of snickering at it.

6. Your Credentials Matter Too (Obviously!)

If you’ve got a degree or a specific qualification that could add some extra weight to your CV, drop it off at the top of your resume.

It is also a truly simple hack to add the acronyms of your degree or master next to your name so that the recruiter picks up on it immediately rather than come across it while he’s browsing your application.

7. Hit the Metrics On Details

You’ve heard this before: All successful businesses are run on numbers.

Image: memegenerator.net

Numbers are always helpful for employers to understand your capabilities, especially when it comes to sales-related jobs.

In fact, it also helps them understand if you’re able to coach a group of staff, aid in business growth or even manage customers and clients within a certain period of time.

So when you list your achievements, give numbers like the timeframe you took to achieve that revenue, and how it increased your company’s value in your past job position.

8. Apply the Keywords from the Job Post into Your CV

Consider this bit an assignment of sorts.

You’d need to look through the job posting well, find the keywords and add it naturally into your resume.

This will be especially beneficial to you if the company that’s hiring uses a scanning system to vet through the incoming CVs.

There are even websites like JobScan.co that helps you with the filtration of keywords from job descriptions. It’ll bring you a long way, and possibly even to that interview you’ve been vying for.

9. Now, About Your Contact Details

Keep the basic information about yourself on the top end of your resume instead of an afterthought at the bottom of the second page.

You’ll need to have the following at least:

  • Full name
  • Contact number
  • Email address.

There’s no need to add the entire home address as well; the street and postcode will do more than anything else.

Also, stick to a single contact and email address. Don’t make it confusing for the interviewer by adding two or three numbers and email addresses. It makes it much easier for the person to reach out to you.

10. Drop Off the Older Jobs You Held From Your Resume

Yep, please do this, especially if the older jobs are in a different field that’s completely unrelated to the job you’re applying for right now.

What matters most is that your past jobs tell employers you have experience in the current job vacancy more than anything else.

It’ll also help you narrow down your resume to the max of 2 pages in a CV.

No recruiter’s going to want to flip to a 4-5 pager and have to search for the information he needs.

Image: jokideo.com

They’d be much more thankful for a concise and to-the-point resume, with an added dash of professionalism to it too.

There are other things you could also do to spruce up your resume, but as far as recruiters and interviewers are concerned, none matter more than these 10 points.

Your CV gives them the very first impression of how you are as a person, so you’d surely want to give them a lasting and engaging copy.

If you are able to show what you stand to provide as a job applicant well, you will get a higher chance at being called in for an interview.

And before you know it, you’re at that desk working that job you’ve always wanted.

So do take this final and last piece of advice – go for it, with all your heart!