10 things you should have told your 21-year-old self because your life would have been different


Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:28 pm

If you could go back in time, I am sure you would have done a couple of things differently. Of course, it’s never too late to change your future but there may be some things you wish you could time travel and tell your 21-year-old self.

Your first year in university matters
Many of you, like me, do not realise that the moment you step into university, you need to start working hard. It is true that grades are not all that matter but they are important and they will help you in the future. Also, it is a lot harder to pull up you GPA as you progress through university because the modules you do are going to get more difficult.

Choose your friends carefully
These are the people you going to spend your 3 or 4 years in university with. The right ones will make you into a better person while the wrong ones will break you. University is not always the kindest place but it can be a nice journey if you have the right social support. Take your time and choose carefully. There really is no harm in waiting for the right people.

Work while you can
Alongside grades, your work experience is the one that is going to set you apart from others. Find part-time jobs to do during the holidays or look for short-term internships. This is the time for you to get some experience in the working world and build up your soft skills. Trust me when I say that when you graduate, you will thank yourself.

Go on exchange
There is nothing more eye-opening than immersing yourself in a different culture. You will learn to be independent, sociable, confident and most importantly, you will make friends whom you would never get the opportunity to if you stayed in Singapore. University is the time for you to explore the world so grab the chance to do so.

It is okay to be single
When you are in university, you will realise that people around you are getting into relationships. There is absolutely no need for you to feel pressured to get into one too. Getting into a relationship just because everyone is, is the worst mistake you could ever make. Take this time to know what you want and what you are looking for. Remember that it is always better to be single than to get into a relationship that is wrong for you.

Date people
Dating is not wrong. Go out, meet people and do not be afraid to date them. Dating allows you to learn how to interact with someone, builds up your confidence and gives you the chance to know what you like and don’t like about someone. It does not matter whether you end up in a relationship with them. All that matters is that you leave knowing that you have learnt something about yourself and now know what is it that you look for in someone.

Go for the right internship
Long-term internships that last up to six months are a great opportunity for you to learn how it feels to be a working adult. It is thus important that you choose one that lets you learn. Big companies give you very little opportunities to try new things and you might come out feeling like you learnt nothing. Choose a smaller company and get thrown into deep waters. This way, you will leave the company feeling that you have made a difference.

Take part in a CCA
If you think that you have no time for a CCA, you should make time. CCAs are important because they let you pursue your interest and you learn new skills. Liaising with sponsors, planning an event, managing logistics are all important skills that will also set you apart from others when you are looking for a job. The fact that you can learn all this while doing something that you like is another reason why you should take part in a CCA.

Speak out
Whether you an introvert or an extrovert, speaking out is something you need to learn. If you are unhappy with something, say it. It is not about being aggressive, it is about putting your view on the table. When you don’t speak out, you will realise that people will walk over you and will assume that you are okay with anything. Remember that you have a voice. Use it smartly.

Get out of your comfort zone
At 21, you have a long journey ahead of you and it is up to make it worth it. Try new things. Take risks. Doing what you are only comfortable with will not help you grow. If you are afraid, get a friend to do it together with you. When you conquer your fears, you will realise that not only have you become braver, you are also capable of doing anything as long as you put your mind to it.

If you are regretting not knowing this earlier, it is okay. You can change starting today and though it may take a while, it will eventually be worth it. To all the 21-year-olds, you have a long journey ahead so all the best and hang in there!