10 things you used to do to ponteng class because we were all young once

Well, if you have never skipped or what we call Ponteng class before, then good for you. But if you did, welcome to the club. You have had a normal school life with rebellious teenager friends. Or you were the king of rebels.

We know you enjoyed and miss your havoc school life, so let’s bring for a walk along memory lane, where we were all cool and hip, not like the boring, responsible adults we are today.

Here are the 10 things you used to do to ponteng class because who has time for studying?

Write letter, forge signature
Or you can just type a letter. Then sign like how your dad or mum will. We need lessons on Math and English but there is no need for lessons on letter writing and forging signatures.  If the letter is poorly written with many mistakes, you’ll just tell the teacher your Mum is uneducated.

Tell your Mum class is cancelled
For supplementary class, tuition, remedial or whatever, when she questions you why you were back from school so early, you’ll just say that the supplementary got cancelled and will resume next week. Great excuse for hanging out on the following week.

Fake a fever or sore eyes to your Mum
Well, most of you already know of the trend. There was a time when we learnt that you could fake high fevers with thermometers, or develop temporary red swollen eyes.

Convince your whole class to skip the remedial with you
So at least when you get punished, your whole class is there with you. Such encouragement.

Bandage leg
You would bandage your leg and convince your Mum that you can’t make it to school with your heavy bag, taking the bus and crossing the zebra crossing outside the school. You might even say you don’t have friends in school so nobody will help you up the flights of stairs in school.

Curse your grandparents
The lengths students go to for skipping classes. You’ll just tell the teachers your grandparent passed away. After that, you’ll have to do something nice for your grandparent because of the guilt from secretly cursing at them while at school.

Curse your pets
Some of you who have pets also curse them. Sometimes it’s so overused it’s like “how many pets do you own?” Maybe there are just some who cannot deal with the loss of a pet goldfish.

Tell your Math teacher you skip Math lesson first to chiong upcoming D&T project
If you took electives like D&T or Art, you would have assignments or projects for “O” or “N” level submissions. When you leave Math class to go for Art class, you’ll find out that all your Art class friends are already there, either actually chionging Art or just talk cock sing song.

Flee class during recess
Just leave the school like a boss during recess. What comes afterwards is tomorrow’s trouble.

Just MIA – what are excuses?
You’ll just come back to face the music. Detention or writing an essay (reflection), how hard can it get? If your school is stricter, then you’ll get a suspension from school. That is ponteng forever since you really don’t have to go to school anymore.

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com