10 tips to making yourself memorable when you’re meeting someone for the first time


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

They say first impressions are the most lasting impressions therefore it is always best to be prepared whenever you are meeting someone for the first time. While some time is needed to break the ice and for people to open up, here are some tips to present yourself in the best way and impress strangers when they first meet you.

Smile like you mean it
Don’t paste on a fake smile, it will look forced and people may be able to feel the awkwardness. Instead, practice how to give a genuine smile every time so that you will give off a friendly, warm and approachable vibe. Think of something funny or pleasant if you need to and soon you will be flashing those pearly whites like a pro.

It’s all about the body language
Do you know the way you stand, how you place your hands and feet speaks volumes about your attitude and the way you feel? When meeting people for the first time, always keep an open and relaxed stance, don’t cross your arms and point your body in their direction. Make eye contact as well.

Be polite and charming
Maintain a enthusiastic, friendly attitude when talking with someone new and always be polite. You don’t want to be remembered as the person who said all the rude things. Just remember, the other person probably finds this as daunting as you.

Be different
Everybody is probably tired of the same old social routine so your cookie-cutter questions and answers won’t make much of an impression. Try to stand out from the norms by devising clever, interesting answers to everyday questions.

Remember to talk
After introductions are made, it’s up to you to carry the conversation ball. If you just stand there and do or say nothing, people will gradually start to ignore you and drift away from you. Be engaged, participate in the discussion or simply start a conversation.

Pay attention
Once the conversation has started flowing, pay attention to who you’re chatting with and the topic of conversation. Show that you are interested, don’t let your eyes wander as this could indicate that you feel bored and don’t keep checking your phone as this is rather rude.

Always be punctual
We’ve all heard about making grand entrances after everybody has arrived but in practice, it is always better to be on time or at least 5 minutes early. This shows that you are reliable and do not like to waste time. Make this a habit and if you do happen to have unavoidable emergencies ensure that you inform the person so as not to keep them waiting.

Make others feel
You know how a really good song or good book always stays in your mind? You are associating it with a feeling, probably you felt really sad when listening to the song or the book made you laugh.  It is the same with people, we will always remember how other people made us feel. Some ways to do that is by making people laugh, bolster egos or even have an unexpectedly lively discussion.

Be yourself
Don’t try to pretend to be something you are not, often this backfires and fails on you. All your little quirks are what makes you, you. Perhaps you disagree strongly on a certain topic but the general consensus is everybody agrees. Speak up and make your opinion known, politely and with good facts. You will stand out more when people recall your name and face.

Dress well
Perhaps you have a signature style, like Taylor Swift and her red lipstick, if you do, then work it. If not, dress presentably and suitably for the occasion. Add some personal touches to your ensemble, maybe you can put on a pair of interesting earrings or an tasteful eye-catching tie. These can be great conversation starters too.

Top Image: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.com