10 Unescapable Signs that Shows All 90s Kids You’re Growing Old


Last Updated on 2016-10-07 , 2:53 pm

Let’s face it. If you are a 90s kid, you will be at least 27 years old by now. We belong to an era of change where we have gone through rapid changes in our society but here we are, still adapting seamlessly to all the advances thrown at us.

Image: pinterest.com
Image: pinterest.com

Through it all, though, it is undeniable that we have, and are, starting to notice some signs of our imminent aging and as much as we want to deny or run away from it, we know we can’t. I’m pretty sure you will agree with me on the following 10 signs and I’m sure, you will be feeling that slightly disgruntled tinge for awhile.

1. You need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

And that’s just to make sure you can operate properly the next day. I don’t just mean just on weekdays but it works the same on the weekends because our weekends are spent on, well, cleaning the house and buying groceries. Yes, we need ample amount of sleep to be able to buy groceries properly too.

2. You rush to get off work on time to go home and relax in front of the television.

How many of you are starting to be guilty of this? I know I am. After a long day in the office, all we look forward to is a hot shower and a good dinner while sitting in front of the television in our most comfortable pyjamas.

3. TGIF and Saturday nights are no longer for clubbing and getting drunk.

Image: mangobaaz.com
Image: mangobaaz.com

Because we take the entire weekend to get over our hangovers that’s why. We will still have that occasional tipple with friends to end off the week but we consciously remind ourselves not to get too drunk because we don’t want to waste the weekend. Gone are the days when we could party two to three nights in a row and were still raring to go.

4. Aches and pains are starting to appear all over your body.

Image: everydayhealth.com
Image: everydayhealth.com

Where once was a body that seemed impenetrable, now is one riddled with various aches and pains from old injuries from our school days. We can’t even sit in a chair for too long without feeling like our bones are about to break into pieces.

5. Your waistline is growing.

Image: gomiblog.com
Image: gomiblog.com

You may be exercising as you used to but it is a fact that as we grow older, our metabolism dips like crazy. Unless you are one of the few lucky ones who’s naturally slim, the rest of us will have to contend with more rotund limbs and waists.

6. Comfort is key

Image: dailymail.co.uk
Image: dailymail.co.uk

Stilettos are out, comfy pumps are in. Even during a night out on the town, we are opting for comfortable shoes to get us through the night. Wearing heels are just going to cause our already bad backs to hurt even more and our toes will be in pain and our soles will ache. The list goes on.

7. You can sing along to songs that are termed oldies

Image: giphy.com
Image: giphy.com

English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, regardless of the language or dialect, you find yourself humming or even singing along to them when you hear them. And then you stop midway through and realise you know the lyrics, realise how old you really are, and cry silently inside.

8. You are tired ALL. THE. TIME.

Image: mashable.com
Image: mashable.com

What in the world is happening? You used to be so energetic and could get so many things done and do so many things just a few years ago. Where did all that spark go? Well, my friend, you are getting old.

9. Pills are a necessity wherever we go.

As soon as you leave the comfort of your home, you need your box of pills and supplements just in case you start hurting somewhere. This is especially important when we travel because the chances of us getting a headache from walking too much are higher than it used to be.

10. We keep using “When I was younger”.

Image: wifflegif.com
Image: wifflegif.com

We may not be that old but we definitely had some semblance of youth back then too. Once we catch ourselves using the phrase too many times, we know that we have come to a point in our lives where we cannot deny our age anymore.

Top Image: YouTube (BuzzFeed Yellow)

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com