10 ways friends “ya ya papaya” during class gatherings that just make us buay tahan


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 10:33 am

Aiya, you know, sometimes during class gatherings, there’ll be that one friend, or ex-classmate that dredges up the past and highlight the stupid, embarrassing things you’ve done in you schooling days. They may even start showing off what they have now, gloating over the fact you don’t have what they have. These are the species of the Yay a Papaya, and here are 10 things to identify them in your next gathering

Showing off boyfriend/girlfriend
The Ya ya Papayas will talk about how they have met the love of their life. OR WORSE, the Ya ya Papayas will bring their partner along class gatherings, unannounced.

“Huh? You still single???”
Moving on from their exciting love life, they start questioning you if you have what they have. They also start asking the details of your life, finding out your financial status and compare you with them in their heads. They don’t show it, but you know it.

Taking Instagram photos of how much fun they have to gain likes
They go on to take photos of how fun the gathering is, putting up filtered photos on their instagrams. You know that these are superficial from the amount of filters and the over-enthusiastic captions. These are the signs of an Instagram whore.

Showing off their wealth
There are many ways the Ya ya Papayas can show of their wealth. First, dressing abit too flashy, and second, telling you about their new jobs, exciting promotion, their fantastic life.

Talking to you just to show off
When the questions of “How are you doing?” and “What’s your current job now?” leads into more specific questions like “What’s the size of your house?” and “What car do you drive?” you know the Ya ya Papaya is measuring your wealth

Talking about grades
For those still in school, the Ya ya Papayas won’t stop talking about grades and their new schools. Friends, control your urges to slap them when they say things like “Sian, I got A2 only”.

Talking about the economy
Another way the Ya ya Papaya shows off is through their learned views of the world. From talking to the economy, world news, world energy crisis…can’t we all just have a fun time???

Bringing up other’s embarrassing moments
“Remember that time you…” The highlight of class gathering is to reflect on all our schooling days, but the Ya ya Papaya won’t shut up about the stupid things you have done just to gloat over your past misfortunes

Pretending they know you very well
When they talk to you, they won’t stop because they think they know a lot of you and jump to conclusions.

Being AT the class gathering
You got to admit it, the gathering will be a bit more fun without their presence. Oops.