Last Updated on 2018-07-02 , 12:12 pm
We all want to shed those extra pounds for various reasons—be it to look good or just because we want to be healthy.
No matter your reason, one thing remains constant: it seems like a monumental goal to achieve, and even if we affirm our beliefs over and over again, there’s always that niggling voice at the back of our minds telling us that we will never be able to do it.
And most of us, more often than not, succumb to that voice and decide: hey, maybe remaining like this is not that bad at all. Right?
Have you ever wondered why losing weight seems so hard when there are so many successful cases online? Because all you see or hear are merely the tip of the iceberg, and no one really talks about the struggles and the torture behind it.
And even if they do, we won’t appreciate it because, hey, you got to admit that the experience is something that is pretty hard to put into words.
Here is the truth on losing weight.
Coffee is not OK.
We’re not talking about your normal kopi-o. We’re talking about all those sweetened coffee, such as caramel macchiato, or your green matcha. Scientists have realised that your body does not register the calories in your liquid the same as those found in solids.
So you won’t feel full after drinking a grande size of White Chocolate Mocha even if that drink has more calories than a plate of Char Keow Teow. So please watch your coffee because all those calories count too.
If you really need coffee to stay alive, go for your coffeeshop kopi-o kosong. They’ll keep you slim and awake.
Lower your salt intake
Sodium retains water content, making you look and feel bloated. The daily value suggests no more than 2,400 milligrammes of sodium each day but most of us exceed that by twice the amount.
So remember to check your sodium intake or control the amount of salt you put in your dishes!
Sleep is important
Have you ever wondered why you don’t seem to be losing weight despite running 10km weekly? Well, the answer may lie in your sleep. We all know that living in Singapore is tough. If you have allocated 2 hours for exercising, it probably means that you need to sleep 2 hrs lesser so that you can complete your work.
But trust us, sleep deprivation may cause you to be fat. Research have found out that women who get less than four hours of sleep per night have a slower metabolism than those who snooze for a full eight hours. So please don’t skimp on your sleep!
Timing matters
It’s not about how long you walk, it’s about what time you walk. You can choose to walk 30 minutes at 12pm without seeing any effect and getting yourself tan or choosing to walk 30 mins before dinner time and see almost instant results.
A 30-min walk is all it takes. Evening activity can be particularly beneficial because many people’s metabolisms slow down toward the end of the day. 30 minutes of aerobic activity before dinner increases your metabolic rate and may keep it elevated for another two or three hours, even after you’ve stopped moving.
Of course, if you’re up to it, go for high interval intensity training. For that, timing doesn’t matter: the level of intensity does.
Eat what you like
Yes, you didn’t read wrongly. You’re allowed to eat what you like but in either small or moderate amount. No one has ever said that dieting is about depriving yourself. You can still eat your favourite Char Kway Teow, just that you either reduce your serving from $4 to $3, or eat it less frequently.
Skipping all your favourite food at once can cause you to be a lot less motivated in exercising.
Let’s just say that it’s all back to the old-school advice: have everything in moderation.
Size matters
Serving the food on a small plate is better than serving the food on a large plate. That is because a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving for more while a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you already have more.
Also, try savouring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you’ve eaten.
Spice it up
If you’re a fan of spicy food, most probably you’ll have a higher chance of succeeding as compared to your peers who avoid spicy food at all cost.
This is because Capsaicin, a compound found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers, may increase your body’s release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which can speed up your metabolism and your ability to burn calories. And you might be surprised to find out that hot peppers can reduce your appetite.
It never ends
Don’t get fooled when you see advertisements that teach you how to lose weight in a week or two. The truth is this: dieting never ends. While you may successfully shed those extra pounds within a week, you still need to control your diet to stay at your ideal shape.
After all, consistency brings results, short-cuts brings merely instant gratification.
Forget about working out
A lot of times, we avoid working out because we all know how torturous it is. But what about strolling around the park with your loved one, or riding a couple bike together? Not only are you able to lose some calories, doing activities as a couple will also bring you two closer than before.
Exercising is not that important
Yes, you didn’t read wrongly. We have placed emphasis on the wrong thing all these while. Just as the saying goes, ‘80% diet, 20% exercise’ (some argue that it’s ‘70% diet, 30% exercise’, but you get the idea).
While exercising is important, watching your diet is more important.
You can afford to do less exercise, but you cannot afford to be slack on your diet.
Also, as much as being in shape is one of the most important things in many people’s lives, always remember that our real purpose of exercising and keeping fit should be for your own health.
At the end of the day, health is wealth.
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