10 worst fake foods that you really shouldn’t makan now

Last Updated on 2016-05-18 , 3:50 pm

We call them fake foods because we don’t really want to consider them food. What were you expecting? A list of plastic food? Common sense would’ve told you not to eat them already!

Cheese dip
These are not really cheese and never will be. It is a nightmare of nutritionists and two tablespoons is enough to fill a third of your daily fat and sodium intake.

Cheese spray
The same shit as before. This is super convenient but at the same time super effective at giving you high blood pressure.

Maple syrup
The kind that you put on your pancake. It actually no maple syrup and is actually just a lot of sugar and coloring. Highway to diabetes.

Chicken nuggets 
Lets ignore the videos showing that it is made from baby chickens. This food is also another one that contains more salt and fat than chicken.

Fruit candy
You’ll have to be really thick to think that it has ever even come close to touching a single fruit during its manufacture. It is nothing but coloring and sugar.

Crab sticks
The must-have in all steamboat meals. These are not really crab meat and not a healthy source of Omega-3 or anything but MSG, salt, preservatives, and other additives.

Fruit drinks
As far as they try to make it with real juice, it is really difficult to make fresh juice stay fresh for longer than several hours unless huge amounts of preservatives are added.

White bread
And white rice, and basically any food that looks too white to be good. These are basically sugar. Time to make the switch to whole grain meals!

It has been proven to cause cancer already. Just saying.

Eggs in a tube
Don’t. Just don’t. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to crack a real egg instead.