100 Jetstar Flights Cancelled After Pilots Go On 2-Day Strike In Australia


Not everyone enjoys their job, but that’s just the reality of life. When you’re forced to do something every single day, it starts to become more of a chore than anything else.

But at the end of the month, you get your salary and you think, maybe that was worth it. But what if you receive your salary and think ‘Wtf is this?’:

Image: mrwgifs.com

That’s probably what these Jetstar pilots and various ground staff thought.

100 Jetstar Flights Cancelled After Pilots Go On 2-Day Strike In Australia

News (AU) reported that Jetstar pilots went on a two-day strike after months of “stalled negotiations” regarding wages and working conditions.

They say that employees make the company, not the boss. This incidence proves that to be true.

The strike resulted in around 100 flights being cancelled on 14 December, right at the crux of the festive season just before Christmas.

Pilots went on a two-day strike for four hours each. The strike was supported by the Australia Federation of Air Pilots, so you know that it’s serious stuff.

The Changes The Pilots Wanted But Never Received

So you must be wondering, what did these pilots actually want?

Well, some of their demands included annual pay increments, safety improvements, more rest breaks, a guaranteed 12-hour break before shifts and 30-hour workweeks.

Seems pretty reasonable, don’t you think?

But hold up, it’s not just the pilots who are dissatisfied. News(AU) also reported that a whopping 250 baggage handlers and ground staff also went on strike on 13 December.

The date coincides with the busiest arrival and departure periods in major Australian cities such as Sydney and Melbourne.

The Transport Workers Union (TWU) has clarified that they did not intend to delay passengers. However, Jetstar has refused to address wage and safety concerns.

They said, “Again, we apologise to the travelling public for the disruption and we want to emphasis that this is the only course that Jetstar has left workers to take.”

If you thought that was the end of the saga, you could not be more wrong. Another strike is scheduled on 19 December, a couple of days before Christmas.

So, if you happen to be one of the unlucky ones travelling to Australia on 19 December, here’s wishing you all the best.

Image: tenor