11 fascinating facts about Watsons that will make you think it’s not just a healthcare store

Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:28 pm

From healthcare product to daily essentials, Watsons is our go to place to get everything that we need. It is, after all, Singapore’s leading beauty and health retailer.

But there’s more to Watson that just healthcare products, and today we’ll share with you 10 fascinating facts!

They have a wide range of products
From adorable hello kitty products to a foot massager, there’s almost nothing you cannot find in Watsons. They house some of the more popular brands seen everywheremore than 100 brandsand I will not deny that I can actually spend hours in there browsing through their items.

They have weekly deals
Each week, Watson will come up with weekly deals to get you the best pricing possible. You get to save loads on not just healthcare products, but facial products and even products such as an air purifier. How awesome is that?

They have great deals for makeup products
Watsons actually offers great deals once in a while such as ‘buy one get one free’, or ‘buy one and get the other at 50%’ off for almost all their makeup products. So instead of splurging at other stores, you get your favourite Revlon lipstick at a steal!

They have an online store
With over 100 stores island-wide, one would think getting to a Watson store should be incredibly convenient. Well, it is. But to ensure further convenience, Watson has set up an online store that’ll allow you to grab all your necessities anywhere and anytime you want.

Not to mention, you can collect them at any of the 50 selected stores for no delivery charge! Looks like we’ll all be shopping online now.

Plus you get free delivery over $80
Have you ever spent above $80 and had to lug all your items back home? Why go through such hard labour when you can get it delivered to your doorstep free of charge?

Watson provides free delivery for orders above $80 when you shop online, so that’s a food for thought the next time you’re out in Watson selecting the best deals!

They guarantee outstanding quality, value and trust
That’s actually what they stand forto cover your daily needs by providing amazing products. Behind every product developed by Watson is long intensive research, customer feedback and independent testing so you can go ahead and use their products with a peace of mind!

They sold more than 280 million of their own label products in Asia
You got that right, that’s how incredible Watson is becoming throughout Asia.

They provide gift cards
Have you actually heard of healthcare stores providing gift cards? Well, Watson does and they’re slowly branding themselves to be more than just a healthcare store.

They provide more than just healthcare products
In order to enhance their healthcare platform; Watson has 36 pharmacies located within the stores. Instead of simply selling their healthcare products, the pharmacies offers services such as medication dispensing, health screening packaged and even provides counselling on smoke cessation and minor ailments.

They are ranked top for Personal Care Store and Best Retail Loyalty Card
If you ever doubted the quality and deals from Watson, you can now wash those worries away because Watson has proven to be one of Asia’s Top Influential Brands in 2015. 

They want to inspire customers to looks good and feel great.
The saying ‘if you look good, you feel good’ can never be truer. Watson truly cares for your needs and truly wants the best for you.

Top Image: March Marcho / Shutterstock.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com