11 Ways to Use Less Data ‘Coz Not Everyone Has Unlimited Data Yet

Last Updated on 2018-05-16 , 2:57 pm

You know what’s the toughest part of owning a smartphone or tablet? Running out of data.

You start to scramble around and refresh your Wi-Fi feed, just to see if you’re at THAT part of the mall with free data access.

Then when your monthly bill arrives, you cry like a baby. You’ve got to get it together, you tell yourself. Continue like this and you might as well donate your salary to M1.

But you do the same mistakes again.

HOW do you use less data? Come, come, we show you.

Image: TechWorm

Stop the Automated Video Play Feature
You know those instances when you go through your feed on Instagram and Facebook, and you see videos getting played automatically? Well, that’s because the auto-play feature is on. It’s a nice feature to have, but when it runs for videos you don’t even really wanna watch, you’re draining your data away. Switch it off on your app settings and you’ll notice a drastic reduction in your data usage.

Off Push Notifications
Sure, push notifications are pretty useful for some apps. But what about the 100s of others you’ve got switched on? The notifications, when bulked up, do eat a lot of your data. Turn it off already!

Apps Running in the Background
Are you an app junkie, who flips from one app to another without closing them off? Well, your apps are still running when they’re out back, and yep, so is your data. Close your YouTube and Spotify tabs when unused and save some money!

Use Mobile Sites Instead
If you’re checking something out on your iPad, head over to the mobile site instead of using an app. For one, it uses less data as it’s been optimized for use when you’re on a mobile device. Images load faster (and videos too!) with lesser data usage.

Image: MakeUseOf

Disable the Auto Download Mode on WhatsApp
You know those “Good Morning”, “Good Night” and constant floods of videos you get from friends, uncles and aunties? Head over to “Settings”, and then “Data and Storage Usage”. Change the auto-download settings to acceptable bare-minimum. Thank us later when your bill number drops down.

Reduce Data Usage on Chrome
Google Chrome’s browser has an extra component – Data Saver, which you really need to utilize. It helps compress the webpages and images you’re looking at while you’re browsing the Internet.

Download the Goody Feed App
Okay, since you’re reading this, you should know a thing or two about us. Heck, you might have read at least one of our articles a day and watched one of our videos a day. Do you know that if you download our app, you’ll use waaaaaaaay less data to read our app? Reason being, an app removes all unnecessary stuff and loads just the contents. Not only that, you’ll also have access to app-exclusive contents! Download our app here lah. This article is obviously sponsored by Goody Feed, ha!

Enable Data Saver on Instagram Too
Yes, while you’re busy checking out pictures of vacations and workout stints, it’s also good to switch your data onto low on Instagram. Head over to “Settings”, then to “Cellular Data Use” and enable “Use Less Data”.

Image: Lifewire

Hunt for Free Wi-Fi
Who says you need to use your data all the time? Whenever you’re out, switch your data off, and keep a lookout for Wi-Fi spots. There are several malls here in Singapore which even give you free Wi-Fi, and some cafes have free Wi-Fi, too. In fact, if you hunt well enough, you can spend a bulk of your time on free Wi-Fi (seriously).

Keep an Eye on Data-Hungry Apps
Yup, apps are a hungry lot too. Some apps use a whole lot more data than others. Check its usage via your Settings tab, and decide if you need to keep the app’s cellular access active or otherwise.

Turn Wi-Fi Assist Off
This feature by Apple will automatically switch to your mobile data if the Wi-Fi is bad. It’s good for your browsing experience, but bad for your bill – especially if you think you’re using Wi-Fi when you’re actually burning a hole in your wallet.

There you have it. You’re welcome!

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com