12 Things That Only Older Singaporeans Would Have Seen Before


Last Updated on 2022-07-30 , 11:31 am

If you’ve grown up in the 90s, you’d realize that the kids back then and the kids today are leading totally different lifestyles. Of course, while our memories don’t involve running through the mud barefooted or living in kampongs, they were pretty epic as well.

Take a look at the 12 nostalgic images below and see if they’ll strike some chord within you, bringing up memories you thought you’ve forgotten in the process of growing up.

We know they did for us!

Image: Wikipedia

Who could forget the OHP? Remember having to go to other classes to borrow OHP for your teacher, or having to use a non-permanent marker to write over the permanent marker and clean the plastic sheets for your teacher?

Oh, don’t forget using it to disturb your classmate who’s trying to sleep before the teacher comes in.

Image: foxystudio.com

They say the blue part can erase pen marks, well it did for me…by tearing a hole in my paper.

Image: Pinterest

It was cool to own one back then, plus it’s good to fiddle around with when you’re bored in class.

Image: YouTube

Remember folding these “bullets” during class in preparation for the war? The pain level for this is level 99, man.

Image: Alibaba

Who could forget making a mess when sharpening our pencils? The container ones were used to catch spider for “spider-fighting”.

Image: stratsure

Yup, before whiteboards and markers were blackboards and chalks. Your teacher always threw chalk at you if they think you’re not paying attention in class. Nobody was complaining then. Try it today and it’s GG for the teacher.

Image: gresswell.co.uk

Back then, we had to queue up at the counter and wait for the grumpy librarian aunty to chope stamp on the slip of paper. And back then, we read books.

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Image: Wikipedia

You’re cool if you got the normal Game Boy, cooler if you got the Game Boy Light and the coolest when you got Game Boy Color. Want to have light and colour? Zheng your Game Boy with those cover that can be slipped over the screen of your Game Boy colour that can shine a light on your screen when you turn it on. Now, show it off.

Image: Pinterest

Before we used EZ-Link cards, we were feeding this machine every time we board a bus and trying to figure out which button we should press.

It’s fun to play Little Fighter, but it’s even more fun to cheat your way through it, isn’t it?

Image: YouTube

It’s even better if you win all your opponent’s erasers and leave him crying. It happened, I swear: that was how seriously we took eraser wars.

Image: Shopee

You have one of these, you’re the envy of everyone else. You can even play with it when you’re bored in class. There’s even a fancy name for it: this is the Transformer pencil box (box, not case).