20 shits that only people who grew up with their siblings can understand

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:37 pm

If you grew up in a noisy household with other siblings, you will probably smile fondly at these memories. Or in other cases, feel like fighting them again. However, as we all grow older, we go from quarreling children to adults who cherish each other’s presence in our lives. Even though we might try and ruin each other’s lives at times (in a not-so-serious way of course), we are still each other’s support pillars in life.

Fight over the shower
This happens when one of us has already prepared our clothes and towel in hand. GRRR!

Fight over the passenger seat
The seat beside the driver was the best because you get it all to yourself.

Fight in the seats behind
There was always a quarrel over seat belt holes.

Splitting food equally
That’s basically impossible, especially when there are more than 2 children in one household.

Feeling awesome when your parents blame your siblings for your own mistake

The confusion when your parents yell at you for not answering to your sibling’s name
Like… what? When did I change names?

Covering the TV remote reception point
Ahhh… Those days when you just didn’t want your siblings to pick the channel

Stealing the remote control when we go to the toilet
This is to make sure they don’t switch the channel while we are doing our business.

Comforting them hurriedly when you accidentally hit them
“Shhh I give you sweet, just be quiet before Mummy and Daddy comes over!”

Parents telling you not to tell your siblings about what they bought for you
That was the shiok-est feeling of being spoiled

Secretly using your siblings’ stuff
Maybe it’s their favourite highlighter, or even their iPad.

Tattle-telling on each other
“Ma, she did this!” “Ma, but she did that!”

Smirking at each other
Especially when you don’t get punished even after they told on you.

Finding it unbelievable when someone likes your sibling
You are just amazed that your sibling actually has friends who like them

Wanting to laugh when you see your parents scolding your siblings
Sadistic, but true.

Always needing the last word in arguments
This means that the argument is never going to end until your parents tell both of you to shut up

Empty fridge after you come home
Where was that half-eaten pack of chocolates?

Snatching each other’s seat
There are only one or two seats that are the perfect TV-watching spots.

But eventually, our sibling are hella useful in the most crucial times… #kinship
