25YO Woman Finds Out She Was Born Male After Going To The Doctor For Ankle Injury


Recently, it was reported that a 25-year-old woman in China had gone to the doctor for an injured ankle.

However, she found out after an X-ray that she was actually born a male.

25YO Woman Finds Out She Was Born Male After Going To The Doctor For Ankle Injury

Pingping (not her real name) had lived as a female her entire life.

Despite having external female organs, she also reported having never gotten her period.

The X-ray revealed that she actually had male Y-chromosomes, in turn realising that she was intersex.

Basically, a person who is intersex is born outside what is normally identified as the male or female binary.

This could include having sexual organs that do not match those of a ‘male’ or ‘female’.

It is also generally a pretty rare condition.

Pingping’s bones were also shown to have not grown past adolescence.

The doctor told her that she had no uterus or ovaries, she also lacked male genitalia or Adam’s apple.

Did Not Suspect Anything

She said that when she was younger, her mom took her to the doctor when her period did not come.

“The doctor said I was just developing slower than others sexually, and that I could have my period in a few years.”

However, Pingping thought the issue was ‘quite embarrassing’ so I didn’t think too much of it.

She never once thought that she might’ve been male, and has been trying to conceive with her husband for about a year.

Pingping was also said to have high blood pressure and low potassium levels, likely because her parents were closely related to each other.

A genetic test showed her karyotype to be 46XY, a pattern normally found in males who have genitalia that is not clearly male or female, her doctor explained.


Pingping’s Identity

Some doctors said these discoveries have caused Pingping to reconsider her gender identity.

Hu Shaohua, deputy director of the hospital’s Mental Health Center, said that rebuilding that identity was key for now.

“It takes a long time to rebuild the social role and reconstruct the family and it’s going to be a painstaking process, where psychological intervention is necessary.”

However, Pingping has reportedly not sought for help yet.

Hu noted that her family should’ve acted sooner and did not have much sexual knowledge.


He talked about how in China, sex education wasn’t the best.

Teachers would either talk about it minimally or in some cases, not at all.

Come June this year, sex education in China will be made mandatory.

Image: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.com