26YO Girl Posts Goodbye Message On Facebook Before Jumping Off Building


A 26-year-old Malaysian woman jumped off a shopping mall in Malaysia and committed suicide on 16 November at 12pm.

The woman was identified as Khoo, and is understood to be working as a secretary in a restaurant. Unfortunately, she was knee deep in multiple debts and owed money to at least three loan sharks.

Image: World Of Buzz

Social Worker & Mum Helped Settled Debts

Just a short month ago, she asked for help from a social worker named Peter with regard to her financial problems.

Peter revealed that he had successfully negotiated with the loan sharks. In addition to that, Khoo’s mother had also sent over some money which she used to settle all her debts a week before the incident.

Sounds like a happy ending doesn’t it? Well if you though that was the end of it, you thought wrong.

The night before the incident, Peter had spoken to Khoo and reminded her not to borrow money from loan sharks again.

To his horror, he found out the very next day that she had committed suicide.

Image: China Press

This was the scene of the suicide.

Image: China Press

Just look at the hoards of people gathering around, trying to see what the commotion was all about.

Left A Goodbye Message On Facebook

Just before she committed suicide, Khoo took to Facebook to post a very saddening goodbye message.

In the message, she said that her life has been a failure and that she has hurt a lot of people who care about her:

“Friends, family, I’m gone. My life has been a failure. I have done a lot of wrong things and hurt a lot of people who care about me and love me,” she wrote.

I don’t know how to face you, so I choose to avoid it all. Sorry, I’m weak.

I have never given my parents a good life for the past 26 years, and I have only repeatedly created problems for them to help me solve.

Thank you to those friends and family who helped me during my difficult time. Thank you all. I just hope that I will be an obedient child in the afterlife.

Goodbye, family and friends. See you soon.”

Image: Giphy
Image: Facebook

A video has also been posted on youtube, showing the scene of the incident.

We sincerely hope that Khoo’s family will find peace.